If you use htmlEditFormat, then the string ">" will be sent to the
browser as >

So, it should work just fine.  Doesn't it?

If not, please post the snippet in question.



----- Original Message -----
From: "Ron Hornbaker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2002 3:26 PM
Subject: [KCFusion] How to preserve "&lt;" and "&gt;" strings... (was: Text
box value)

> Use the htmlEditFormat() function around the value.
> Value="#htmlEditFormat("""" & someValue & """")#"
> This will replace the double quotes with "&quot;", as needed.

Speaking of htmlEditFormat, here's a question for you. Say you've got a
textarea where users can enter a combination of text and html. A knowledge
base system, for the sake of argument. The user decides to enter some
displayed code, like this:

 This is how to <b>bold</b> a word: &lt;b&gt;bold&lt;/b&gt;

The user saves the record, and so far so good. Now comes time to edit the
article, and here's where it gets ugly... MSIE will display the "&lt;" and
"&gt;" strings as actual brackets in the text area, so the article now
looks like this in the textarea input box:

 This is how to <b>bold</b> a word: <b>bold</b>

and when the user re-saves the article, they of course get switched back
to real brackets.

Any workarounds would be appreciated...


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