oh, actually it doesnt work if there are some null values in the list:

heres a samle list that causes an error:


how can i solve this problem?

At 06:33 AM 3/26/2002 -0600, you wrote:
>Check your insert statement for proper use of quotes.  Whenever you are
>inserting/updating, or selecting on a string (versus numeric) type of
>field, your field values must be specified inside of quotes.  Even
>though it looks like you are using parameters, you probably need to have
>something like:  values("#parameter1#",....
>-----Original Message-----
>Behalf Of Richard Morrison
>Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2002 5:12 AM
>Subject: [KCFusion] Can someone tell me what the hells wrong with this
>sql statement
>ODBC Error Code = 37000 (Syntax error or access violation)
>[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error in INSERT INTO
>SQL = "insert into test (Area, GeoMarket, Ctry, Location,
>LocationDescription, Family, Subfamily, Tag, Group, AssetDescription,
>Rig, Quantity, Approval, Manufacturer, Model, Serial, PO, ServDateMMYY,
>FA_TC01, FA_TC02, FA_TC03, FA_TC04, FA_TC05, FA_TC06, FA_TC07, FA_TC08,
>FA_TC09) values( ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? ,
>, ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? )"
>Query Parameter Value(s) -
>Parameter #1 = LAM
>Parameter #2 = VTT
>Parameter #3 = VEN
>Parameter #4 = 58258
>Parameter #5 = VEN EAST OFFICE
>Parameter #6 = 1
>Parameter #7 = 1
>Parameter #8 = 2
>Parameter #9 = WL
>Parameter #10 = VEHICLE TOYOTA 4X4 PU PC LONG
>Parameter #11 = XE
>Parameter #12 = 258
>Parameter #13 = 1
>Parameter #14 = TRN IN GEC
>Parameter #15 = 1
>Parameter #16 = 3
>Parameter #17 = 3
>Parameter #18 = 3
>Parameter #19 = 297
>Parameter #20 = 3
>Parameter #21 = 3
>Parameter #22 = 3
>Parameter #23 = 3
>Parameter #24 = 3
>Parameter #25 = 3
>Parameter #26 = 3
>Parameter #27 = 3
>Parameter #28 = 3
>Data Source = "1"
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