DistributorCentral will contribute to the pizza fund.

Jason Nokes, Director of Web Development
888-516-7401 phone/fax 

-----Original Message-----
From: Ryan Hartwich [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, April 26, 2002 2:26 PM
Subject: [KCFusion] Ben Forta is coming to Kansas City!

Kansas City ColdFusion Users,

Ben Forta of Macromedia is coming to Kansas City on May 6 to speak about
new software (ColdFusion MX?).

Enclosed is the meeting announcement with a brief bio for Ben.  Everyone
is welcome to join us, but space is quickly filling up and we can only
take another 10 or so people.  Please rsvp to me ASAP.

Also, we have a few sponsors lined up to supply pizza and handouts, but
with the growing attendance we need more pizza!  Anyone up for a $50-100

Ryan Hartwich, KCFusion CFUG Manager

Ben Forta's visit is graciously underwritten by Macromedia with support

Pizza & soft drinks are sponsored by Greensoft Solutions
(www.gsi-kc.com), magazines by ColdFusion Developer's Journal
(www.sys-con.com/coldfusion), handouts by Distributor Central
(www.distributorcentral.com), and possible giveaways (software ???) by
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