I replied to you yesterday and it never came through

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ron Hornbaker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 2002 1:37 PM
Subject: RE: [KCFusion] Client side variable storage


Nice code. Just curious: what's the advantage of this over using
JavaScript's built-in custom oop features, available in v4 and higher
browsers? It would likely be simpler:



> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of Bryan LaPlante
> Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2002 8:59 PM
> To: KCFusion
> Subject: [KCFusion] Client side variable storage
> Hey all,
> I was messing around today and got to thinking how tired I am
> of the limited
> storage capability on the clients browser. I wrote this little
> script that
> will store name value pairs like a collection in cf only on the
> client side.
> I called the file pasted below collection.js and if you have ever used
> HashMap in Java you will see the similarity. If any one can use
> this here it
> is.
> /*
> Collection.js
>  Bryan LaPlante
>  Network Web Applications
>  http://www.netwebapps.com
> DESCRIPTION: Collection
> creates a new collection of name=value pairs and provides methods for
> retrieving one or a list of keys or values.
>  myCollection = new Collection();
>  myCollection.clear(); // Removes all of the key value pairs
> but does not
> destroy the collection.
>  myCollection.put(key,value); //Creates an entry into the collection
>  myCollection.getValue(key); // does a case sensitive search
> for a key in
> the collection and returns it's value
>  myCollection.getValueNoCase(key); // does a case insensitive
> search for a
> key in the collection and returns it's value
>  myCollection.getKeyArray(); //returns an array of keys
>  myCollection.getValueArray(); // returns an array of values
>  myCollection.getKeyList(delim); //returns a list of keys
>  myCollection.getValueList(delim); // returns a list of values
>  Un comment the code at the bottom of the script to see
>  an example of how to use the collection.
> */
>  function Map(key,val){
>   this.key = key;
>   this.val = val;
>  }
>  function Collection(){
>   this.collectionMap = new Array();
>   this.clear = clearMap;
>   this.put = putMap;
>   this.getValue = getValue;
>   this.getValueNoCase = getValueNoCase;
>   this.getKeyArray = getKeyArray;
>   this.getValueArray = getValueArray;
>   this.getKeyList = getKeyList;
>   this.getValueList = getValueList;
>  }
>  function putMap(key,val){
>   existingKeys = this.getKeyArray();
>   isUniqueKey = true;
>   for(i=0; i<existingKeys.length; i++){
>    if(existingKeys[i] == key){
>     isUniqueKey = false;
>     this.collectionMap[i].val=val;
>     break;
>    }
>   }
>   if(isUniqueKey){
>    this.collectionMap[this.collectionMap.length]= new Map(key,val);
>   }
>  }
>  function clearMap(){
>   this.collectionMap.length=0;
>  }
>  function getValue(key){
>   for(i=0; i<this.collectionMap.length; i++){
>    if(this.collectionMap[i].key == key){
>     return this.collectionMap[i].val;
>    }
>   }
>   return null;
>  }
>  function getValueNoCase(key){
>   for(i=0; i<this.collectionMap.length; i++){
>    if(this.collectionMap[i].key.toLowerCase() == key.toLowerCase()){
>     return this.collectionMap[i].val;
>    }
>   }
>   return null;
>  }
>  function getKeyArray(){
>   keyArray = new Array();
>   for(i=0; i<this.collectionMap.length; i++){
>    keyArray[keyArray.length]=this.collectionMap[i].key;
>   }
>   return keyArray;
>  }
>  function getKeyList(delim){
>   keyList = "";
>   for(i=0; i<this.collectionMap.length; i++){
>    if(i == this.collectionMap.length-1){
>     delim="";
>    }
>    keyList += (this.collectionMap[i].key + delim);
>   }
>   return keyList;
>  }
>  function getValueArray(){
>   valueArray = new Array();
>   for(i=0; i<this.collectionMap.length; i++){
>    valueArray[valueArray.length]=this.collectionMap[i].val;
>   }
>   return valueArray;
>  }
>  function getValueList(delim){
>   valueList = "";
>   for(i=0; i<this.collectionMap.length; i++){
>    if(i == this.collectionMap.length-1){
>     delim="";
>    }
>    valueList += (this.collectionMap[i].val + delim);
>   }
>   return valueList;
>  }
>  /*
>  /////------- Uncomment this section for
> testing --------///////////////////////
>  //create the collection
>  collection = new Collection();
>  // clear the collection
>  collection.clear();
>  // add name value pairs to the collection
>  collection.put("bryan","user1");
>  collection.put("bruce","user2");
>  collection.put("dan","user3");
>  // putting bryan again will update the previous entry's value to
>  collection.put("bryan","user4");
>  alert(collection.getKeyList(","));
>  alert(collection.getValueList("|"));
>  // get an array of keys
>  myKeys = collection.getKeyArray();
>  // get an array of values
>  myVals = collection.getValueArray();
>  //Output the names and their values into an html list item
>  document.write("<ul>");
>  for(c=0; c<myKeys.length; c++){
>   document.write("<li>" + myKeys[c].toString() +"=" +
> myVals[c].toString());
>  }
>  document.write("<ul>");
>  */
> Bryan LaPlante
> President
> Network Web Applications Inc.
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