> I am looking for a co-location facility in Kansas City
> that allows a lot of bandwidth (full T-1 or better)
> and has a good up time status.

We've been happy at Communitech.net at 14th and Main for a couple of years
now, with 3/4ths of a rack and 1Mbit bandwidth. Downtime has been ZERO
(they have something like 5 redundant upstream pipes, redundant power
grid, redundant generators, armed guard, etc.), and when our bandwidth
bursts to 2 or 3 Mbits, their system easily handles it, and we don't get
charged extra unless it is consistently high (top 5% of spikes get trimmed
off when figuring price). Nice not having the bandwidth throttled. Nice
that they're only 4 blocks away, too, even though we never go there. Only
complaint is the bandwidth price (esp. now that bookcrossing.com is
pushing 12M page views/mo or so), so we may be shopping around when our
contract expires. Robin Greenhagen used to host there - now I think
they're with Sprint, and happy.


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