Someone can correct me on this, but I think you should be fine converting your fields from nvarchar to varchar.

Access either doesn't, or didn't used to support Unicode, and up until CFMX, CF didn't either. So if your applications are webcentric, are not using CFMX and/or not unicode specific, and you don't have to worry about foreign characters, go for it. Make sure when you change fields from nchar to char etc. that you make sure you aren't truncating the fields.

Backup first!

Likewise, because these changes may occur in primary and foreign key fields, you may have problems changing one table without conflicting with another, so you will probably need to schedule these changes for a down time when you can turn off the website and prevent users from accessing the database while you make the changes and test them.

At 04:30 PM 12/18/2002 -0600, you wrote:
Unicode? Six months ago this db was in Access 2000, and I used the MS upsizing wizard to convert it
to SQL 7. Don't remember anything in the wizard about unicode. How annoying. Unless there's some
reason to use unicode in that field -- highly unlikely -- I'd rather just change the data type to
plain text.

Keith Purtell, Web/Network Administrator

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