We are having some serious problems with a CF 5 SP3 server that keeps
stopping and starting its CF service. The stops/starts will happen in
clusters, usually 4-5 times within 1-2 minutes at different times during the
day. In one 20 minute block, it did this 17 times.

The server itself is extremely beefy (Win2K Server, 4GB RAM, dual 1.6Ghz
processors, lots of drive space), so it is not being caused by too much
load. We have been through the IIS and CF logs, but there is no pattern
whatsoever. Also, we cannot duplicate the errors internally and all of other
servers (dev, testing, hot spare) work fine.

THE QUESTION: Has anyone experienced CF doing this? If so, what was the
cause and how did you fix it?

-We recently switched from a session var environment passing CFID/CFTOKEN in
the URL to a cookie-based, client var environment. (But the CF services
problem did not start until  3 1/2 days later.) We are using no application,
server, or session vars.
-Also, we switched our CFTOKEN from using the usual number to using a UUID.

Any new ideas would be great!

Jason Nokes, Director of Internet Development
DistributorCentral, LLC

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