Title: Message
I have a form with a multiple select box that I am want to build a query from, but am having problems.  I set up an index loop with an OR statement, but I have obviously set it up wrong beacuase it is adding an OR to the end of the query.  How do I set it up to not put an OR after the last index?
<cfquery name="query" datasource="data">
    select * from table
    where field1='value1' AND ( 
        <cfloop index="index" list="#form.value2#" delimiters=",">
            field2='#index#' OR

Christopher V. Holdman
Webmaster - City of Olathe
(913) 971-6286
(913) 238-4681 Cell

-----Original Message-----
From: Dunwiddie, Bruce [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2003 3:16 PM
Subject: RE: [KCFusion] Printer Friendly Directory Listing

if you say apply that to a <table> tag, and then have multiple tables each having that style, it will have a page break between them. of course, I'm sure it's only ie, but better than nothing.
-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Holdman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2003 3:03 PM
Subject: [KCFusion] Printer Friendly Directory Listing

I have a directory listing pulling from a database and sorting by departments.  Everything work great online, but some people are wanting to print it out...when they do sometimes the page break for printing occurs in the middle of a department listing and the second page does not have the department title.  Is there a way to determine where a printing page break will occur and force the follwoing page to repeat the department title.  Below is an example of what I mean and the code I currently use.


Department A
phone # - name
phone # - name
phone # - name

Department B
phone # - name
phone # - name
phone # - name
phone # - name
phone # - name
phone # - name
phone # - name
phone # - name
phone # - name

[page break]

Department B
phone # - name
phone # - name
phone # - name

Department C
phone # - name
phone # - name
phone # - name

<cfoutput query="list" group="Department">
    <b><font size="+1">#Department#</font></b><br>
    <hr align="left" width="300">
        #Ext# - <b>#Name#</b><br>


Christopher V. Holdman
Webmaster - City of Olathe
(913) 971-6286
(913) 238-4681 Cell

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