Instead of breaking the output into infinite multiple tables, you could pull the first 
50 records into one table, <cfflush>, then pull all other records into the next, 
regardless of size.  The first table could use relative sizing on the columns, but use 
JavaScript to resize the second table to match the column widths of the first table 
absolutely.  This should solve both of your problems by rendering enough content 
quickly while matching the bottom records up format-wise with the top.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 11:28 PM
Subject: RE: [KCFusion] Rendering large HTML tables

I think that IE & Netscape both wait until an entire table is loaded in
html to render it.  One way around this, assuming you need to have your
data in a table, is to come up with a way to start and stop your table.  If
you can use a counter in your loop that generates the table, for each <tr>,
add one to the counter, then, have an if statement in the loop that does a
<cfif counter mod 50 eq 0></table><table></cfif>.  This will make multiple
tables on your page, but I believe the first one will render while the rest
are loading into the browser.

Also, if you are using CFMX (and CF5?), you can use the cfflow or similar
tag to dump your server process to the client.  You may be able to do this
if the server side generation takes a long time too.


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