Thanks for the quick reply.  We are on a shared host.  The hosting company has the timeout set to 20 minutes and we cannot adjust that.  However, session variables are being lost before the 20 minute period (sometimes very quickly 1-2 minutes).
Bruce Phillips
Society of Teachers of Family Medicine
913-906-6000 ext 5405

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 06/17/03 01:25PM >>>
If you're using IIS on your server, take a look at the timeout on it. That has bit me before. Also make sure the time out on the cf server is what you want it to be. 
-----Original Message-----
From: Bruce Phillips [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 1:11 PM
Subject: [KCFusion] Unexpected Loss of Session Variables

Hello.  I'm the new webmaster for  Our website uses ColdFusion
5.0 as its web programming language.  I'm originally a Java Programmer
(JavaServerPages), so I've had to learn CFML quickly (thanks to Ben
Forte's books).
Our web site is hosted on a shared server (
We are experiencing unexpected loss of some or all session variables
for about 20% of our users.  The session variables are lost well before
the 20 minute timeout limit.
We use session variables to maintain user input across approximately
3-4 data entry pages (page numbers vary based upon specific category).
Our session variables are set and read inside of cflock tags per
ColdFusion best practices.
The problem appears to worsen when we have more users on our site, but
the number of users is not that significant (less than 20-30 per hour).
This is a shared server, but I don't know the overall load on the
I've reseached your listserver but did not find any material on this
From my research on Macromedia's forum, the loss of session variables appears to be a problem with ColdFusion 5.  We are considering changing our host plan to ColdFusion MX, though some of our applications will need recoding since they use attributes no longer supported in ColdFusion MX.
I'd certainly appreciate any advice from more experienced ColdFusion developers who may have encountered and solved this problem.
Thank You,
Bruce Phillips
Society of Teachers of Family Medicine
913-906-6000 ext 5405

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