You do realize the timeout attribute is in milliseconds?  You are telling it to timeout after 260 milliseconds.


-----Original Message-----
From: Bruce Phillips [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2003 11:59 AM
Subject: Re: [KCFusion] ColdFusion Query Times Out


Here is the query.  I'm able to run this successfully on my ColdFusion Development Server, just not on my web host's ColdFusion Server.


<cfquery datasource="#dsn#" name="GetSubmissions" timeout="260">
select submissions.*, presenters.*, categories.catname_display, conferences.confName_display,conferences.confid,Submissions2Presenters.mainpresenter
from submissions
JOIN conferences on submissions.confid = conferences.confid
JOIN categories on submissions.catid = categories.catid
JOIN Submissions2Presenters on Submissions2Presenters.Submissionid = Submissions.submissionid
JOIN presenters ON Submissions2Presenters.presenterID = presenters.presenterid
where submissions.confid = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="CF_SQL_INTEGER" value="#url.confid#">
AND submissions.cancelled= <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="CF_SQL_BIT" value="0">
AND submissions.rejected= <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="CF_SQL_BIT" value="0">
order by categories.catname_display, submissions.submissionID, assigned_session, Submissions2Presenters.MainPresenter DESC, lastname ,firstname



Bruce Phillips
Society of Teachers of Family Medicine
913-906-6000 ext 5405

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/23/03 12:01PM >>>

Mind if we see the query?


----- Original Message -----

To: >

Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2003 11:25 AM

Subject: [KCFusion] ColdFusion Query Times Out


I have a complex query on a template that times out every time after about 25 seconds.  I've tried setting the timeout attribute in the CFQUERY tab, but that attribute appears to be ignored. 


This is the error message I get:


Error Causing Template: /sTFMPresenter/Admin/ReportReviewConf.cfm
URL Variables Provided: confid=121&RequestTimeOut=100000
Error Message: The request has exceeded the allowable time limit Tag: CFQUERY

I don't have access to the ColdFusion Administrator since we have a separate web hosting company.


Any advice on how I can get long complex queries to work would be appreciated.


Thank You,






Bruce Phillips
Society of Teachers of Family Medicine
913-906-6000 ext 5405

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