Dear all,

I am not an expert ocean acidification at all, but there are some general questions I have concerning these names for the pH of sea water:

1) large scale medium
Why not use sea_water (or ocean_) as a prefix as we have agreed on?

2) definded_by
For the atmospheric chemistry names we have used expressed_as, why not use this here as well?

3) definition of pH  (-log(H+))

As far as I know the pH is defined as the negative logarithm of the concentration of H+ (or whatever else), this is missing in the suggested names. I would suggest to use expressed_as instead of defined_by to circumvent this problem.

4) definition of pH (N.B.S or free)

I have checked the different definitions of the pH in sea water and it seems to me that the NBS and the free pH do not all refer to the concentration of H+ alone but consider also other ions, please see
(rather bad page, but still..)

Am I confused?

5) concentration
For the atmospheric chemistry names we have mass_concentration and mole_concentration which is mass or mole per volume. This means that concentration always means per unit volume, and not per unit mass.
If you say now concentration per unit mass, this is confusing.

Best regards,

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