I'll include Ticket 62 with CF-1.6.
The Chapter 9 examples are Appendix H, now available in the public draft of CF 1.6. At the moment I don't remember what's in them!

- Jeff

On 7/26/11 2:13 PM, Chris Paver wrote:
Hey John,
Thanks for the info.  Jonathan Gregory stated that this fix would roll out with
CF-1.6; is that still correct?

What will the Chapter 9 examples look like then?  Will any requirements based on
feature types be addressed for the axis attribute?


On 07/25/2011 12:51 PM, John Caron wrote:
Hi Chris:

I think we agreed that this sentence in section 5 should be removed:

The|axis|attribute is not allowed for auxiliary coordinate variables.

If anyone has a better idea, let me know. otherwise i will submit a defect 


On 7/20/2011 7:51 AM, Chris Paver wrote:
Dear list,

Was there any resolution to the issue I brought up?


-------- Original Message --------
Date: Thu, 07 Jul 2011 11:59:09 -0700
From: Steve Hankin<steven.c.han...@noaa.gov>
Subject: Re: [CF-metadata] CF feature type trajectory (Ch. 9; May 10,
2011) and axis attribute
To: "Jeffrey F. Painter"<paint...@llnl.gov>
Cc: cf-metadata@cgd.ucar.edu
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

On 7/7/2011 11:53 AM, Jeffrey F. Painter wrote:
It looks as though you've been reviewing the public draft of the
future CF Conventions version 1.6. It's great that someone has been
looking at it!

It seems to me that z in the examples of Appendix H (formerly
designated A9) plays the role of an auxiliary coordinate variable,
although technically it's not because there isn't (but should be) a
'coordinates' attribute which lists auxiliary coordinate variables.
I don't know why axes are banned for auxiliary coordinate variables in
the case of trajectories. Something needs to be clarified here, or
the examples changed.

This was ticket 37. Are there any comments from Steve Hankin, the
moderator, or any of the other people who contributed to writing
Chapter 9, or anyone else who knows more than me?
stand by. I think Chris has pointed out a needed correction to Chapter
5 that was discussed, but was not documented. (thanks Chris) But need
to confirm with others.

- Steve

Thanks to all!
- Jeff Painter

On 7/7/11 5:13 AM, Chris Paver wrote:
Dear List,
I have been reviewing the use of the axis attribute as defined in
Chapter 5, and
comparing it to the trajectory example in the Chapter 9 document at
A9.4. The
Ch. 5 rules states that only a coordinate variable can have an axis
whereas the auxiliary variables cannot. However, in Ch. 9, the single
trajectory dimension is time, but the variable z contains the axis
attribute. Is
this a change to the rule as stated in Ch. 5, or a typo? I briefly
looked over
the other feature types in Ch. 9, and they all look to have the vertical
variable listed with the axis attribute, so maybe it is a typo.


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