Hi Dave, 

> The problem here is that there is no analysis that does not 
> require this information. While some choose to assume that 
> all data uses the same datum and drop those terms of analysis 
> out of their math, that does not mean the information is not there.
> Having personally been in this situation, it took me two 
> years to track down exactly the right geographic 
> transformation to apply to accurately apply radar data to the 
> landscape. It is unfair to expect that a terrestrial modeler 
> understand the handling of geographic data in climate and 
> forecasting applications to such an extent that they are 
> comfortable making such a decision.

I wasn't for one minute suggesting that geodetic datum (or any other)
information shouldn't be provided, assuming it's known. As the author of
the last significant batch of CRS-related updates to the CF
specification, I'd have no reason to want it otherwise! I was merely
opining that specifying a CF default datum doesn't necessarily help to
solve the underlying problem.

> Your argument about darwinian evolution of data use would 
> cause a massive set back in interdisciplinary science.

Crikey, I'd hate to think that I was single-handedly responsible for
causing a massive setback to interdisciplinary research. That nice Mr
Gore would be breathing down my neck before you could say 'international
debt crisis' :-)

On the basis that, to date, the global community has done plenty of good
interdisciplinary research - often without knowing the arcana of
geodetic datums - then I think we can have good reason to believe that
this will continue.

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