> Is there a way to store outline information in NetCDF/CF? =
> I am looking for a way to store e.g. glacier outline, sea ice edge/extent e=
> tc =
> in NetCDF. It would simplify data management within heterogeneous systems. =
> Data can then be dumped to Shapefiles, KML etc upon user request, but for l=
> ong =
> term data management purposes they may be stored in NetCDF/CF along with =
> gridded data, time series, trajectories etc.

There are no CF conventions for storing such outline information, but
the widely used GMT (Generic Mapping Tools) software uses netCDF with
GMT-specific conventions for storing coastal outlines, as line segments
in tiles.  For a high-level description see the section "K.3 The long
and winding road" from the GMT Technical Reference and Cookbook by Paul
Wessel and Walter H. F. Smith:


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