Dear Randy, all,

I don't know if there's a "CF-compliant" answer to this, but will note that 
this is something that is anticipated by UncertML.  A means for encoding 
UncertML concepts within NetCDF is not yet agreed upon, but the NetCDF-U 
convention proposal is one method.  Personally I would like to see a 
CF-compliant  mechanism for this, and I think that the "umbrella variables" 
concept that is being discussed now on Trac is a good candidate .

The idea behind this would be to have two "child" variables, one for the lower 
end of the range and one for the upper, which are linked by an "umbrella" 
variable that groups them.  The "umbrella" variable would be somehow tagged 
with metadata to indicate that it represents a "credible range" or whichever 
UncertML concept is most accurate.

I stress that this is still under discussion but you might like to peruse the 
Trac ticket (

Hope this helps,

-----Original Message-----
From: CF-metadata [] On Behalf Of Randy 
Sent: 15 September 2012 12:40
Cc: Randy Horne
Subject: [CF-metadata] how to express data variable element values that need to 
cover a range


We have a type of product we are generating where the data value is not 
precisely known...only a range between two values.

Cells / boundary variables would work, but according to appendix A, they are to 
be used for coordinate variables only.

Is there a CF compliant approach to handling this ?

very respectfully,

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