On 10/10/2012 6:36 AM, Jim Biard wrote:

I agree that there is no ambiguity in the original dataset.  I was just
pointing out a scenario in which the difficulty mentioned by Phil in his
original post would manifest itself.  The methodology referenced by Russ
won't handle it.  If you (for reasons beyond your control) have a packed
fill value that is inside your valid range, then no guidance is provided
by CF to automated client software for how to represent the unpacked
fill value, leaving the user with a requirement to dig back through the
packed values, find the elements marked as fill, and "manually" mark the
unpacked values.

Its true CF is silent about this, so "automated client software" has to make their own Convention. The netcdf-JAVA package supplies a method

  boolean isMissing(double value);

for this purpose. Alternately, it will just set missing real values to NaNs, which works well in Java. I think NaNs are the right choice for missing values myself.

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