Dear Martin and all

I've done some mappings between the CF Standard Names at and both the EEA Atmospheric Pollutants 
vocabulary and GEMET. The mapped Standard Names can be found by running Query 
'A' below in I've tried, and failed, to get a 
decent response time from the federated query (I'm still learning SPARQL so 
it's likely I'm doing something wrong) but I have attached a Query B which 
shows you the mappings to the EEA pollutant name & the mappings to GEMET for a 
given Standard Name. It can be a bit slow, so you may need to show it some 

If anyone knows SPARQL better than I do, and can do improve Query B then please 
feel free to do so.

This is currently implemented as a "proof of concept" using some loose 
mappings, and it may be that you have suggestions on better terms to map to. If 
this the sort of thing you wanted and is of use to the CF community we can 
certainly expand the number of mappings done but we could also investigate 
firming up the mappings using more specific relationships.

Let me know what you think



--Query A

PREFIX skos:<>
PREFIX rdf:<>
  <> rdf:type skos:Collection.
  <> skos:member ?uri.
  ?uri  skos:prefLabel ?standardName.
  ?uri  ?relationship ?eionet
  FILTER CONTAINS (str(?eionet),'eionet')

--Query B

PREFIX skos:<>
PREFIX j.0: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
SELECT ?standardName ?pollutant ?urig WHERE
 AS ?stdname)
  {SELECT ?standardName ?urisn ?urip ?urig WHERE
    <> skos:member ?urisn.
    ?urisn skos:prefLabel ?standardName.
    ?urisn skos:broader ?urip
    FILTER CONTAINS (str(?urip),"eionet").
      ?urisn skos:related ?urig
      FILTER CONTAINS (str(?urig),"gemet")
  }} FILTER (str(?standardName) = str(?stdname))
    ?urip j.0:pollutant ?pollutant.

Dr. Adam Leadbetter

Data Scientist
British Oceanographic Data Centre
Joseph Proudman Building
6 Brownlow Street
L3 5DA

Tel: 0151 795 4878

-----Original Message-----
From: Schultz, Martin [] 
Sent: 22 October 2012 15:07
To: Leadbetter, Adam; Lowry, Roy K.;
Subject: AW: [CF-metadata] Extensions to the Standard Name table

Great! Looking forward to test this!



-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Leadbetter, Adam [] 
Gesendet: Montag, 22. Oktober 2012 14:45
An: Lowry, Roy K.; Schultz, Martin;
Betreff: RE: [CF-metadata] Extensions to the Standard Name table

Hi Martin

I'll aim to have the small demonstrator with mappings in place towards the end 
of this week, or early next week.


From: Lowry, Roy K.
Sent: 21 October 2012 17:17
To: Schultz, Martin;
Cc: Leadbetter, Adam
Subject: RE: [CF-metadata] Extensions to the Standard Name table

OK Martin,

I'm on leave for the next 2 weeks, but will try and get a demonstration mapping 
with 4 or 5 contaminants mapped the week after I get back (unless Adam can do 
something in the mean time).

Cheers, Roy.

From: Schultz, Martin []
Sent: 21 October 2012 15:00
To: Lowry, Roy K.;
Cc: Leadbetter, Adam
Subject: AW: [CF-metadata] Extensions to the Standard Name table

Hello Roy,

     this sounds indeed convincing. If there is indeed some funding to 
establish this by January, and if we can then somehow ensure continuity 
(someone would have to update the mapping whenever there are changes to the 
standard_name table, and we should be in a position to add more rows to the 
table even after funding will have ended), then this sounds like a good plan.



Von: Lowry, Roy K. []
Gesendet: Sonntag, 21. Oktober 2012 10:21
An: Schultz, Martin;
Cc: Leadbetter, Adam
Betreff: RE: [CF-metadata] Extensions to the Standard Name table

Hello Marin,

I'm not sure what would be possible using the string-matching SPARQL approach. 
It would be perfectly possible to do that from a relational database using SQL 
(which I do know) and so it may be possible.  I'll see if Adam can come up with 
anything (I've yet to learn the language).

However, I am certain that if we installed a mapping (maybe a day's work) then 
it could be done - all the query would have to do is identify whether or not 
there is a mapping from the Standard Name reference to the EEA vocabulary and 
match on it if it exists.

Installing a mapping in NVS fulfils exactly the same function as adding a link 
to the Standard Name table.  The difference is that the former process simply 
involves population of operational technological infrastructure (a mapping is a 
row in an Oracle table) with some funding support if the work is done before 
the end of January, whereas the latter would require infrastructure development 
in addition to population.

Cheers, Roy.

From: CF-metadata [] On Behalf Of Schultz, 
Martin []
Sent: 20 October 2012 11:43
Subject: Re: [CF-metadata] Extensions to the Standard Name table Dear Roy,

     thanks a lot for this nice example of true interoperability. Yet, two 
questions remain: 1) what I would be even more interested in is the inverse 
problem, i.e. given a standard_name, I would like to know which compound it 
contains. 2) I expect that this is more difficult, in particular if we don't 
know a priori that the given standard_name does contain a compound name. 
Generally, this is where I see the difficulty with your brokered approach: how 
do you find out which controlled vocabulary list(s) have to be applied in order 
to identify the components of a standard_name? Think of 
"tendency_of_X_due_to_emissions_from_Y" where you want to link both the 
compound and the emission sector to the respecitve controlled vocabulary table. 
Then, in another standard_name you will find some marine bacteria or so which 
relate to yet another vocabulary list, and so on. Unless I miss the point here, 
I would still argue that it will be more efficient and less ambiguous if the 
link would be provided in the standard_name table itself.

What do you think?



Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2012 12:30:42 +0100

From: "Lowry, Roy K." <<>>

To: "<>" 

Subject: [CF-metadata] Extensions to the Standard Name table



Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Dear All,

Martin Schultz was proposing an extension to the Standard Name table to provide 
a means of easily identifying the Standard Names associated with a given 
atmospheric contaminant.  What follows provides an alternative way to address 
his use case.  Go to the URL and copy the 
SPARQL query at the end of this message into the box, choose your output format 
and press 'Get Results'. If you don't want 'carbon monoxide' simply replace 
'Carbon monoxide' by another valid EEA contaminant name.

For the techies on the list, this is done by a federated SPARQL query involving 
SPARQL endpoints on vocabulary servers at BODC and the EEA. This is based on 
string matching, but could be made more robust by implementing an EEA/Standard 
Names mapping in NVS should this be requested by the CF community.

Cheers, Roy.

PREFIX skos: 

PREFIX j.0: <>

PREFIX rdfs: 

SELECT ?urie ?labele ?urin ?labeln WHERE {

  BIND("Carbon monoxide" AS ?pollutant)


  <> skos:member ?urin.

  ?urin skos:prefLabel ?labeln.

  ?urin skos:definition ?defn.

  FILTER CONTAINS (str(lcase(?defn)),str(lcase(?pollutant)))


PD Dr. Martin G. Schultz
IEK-8, Forschungszentrum Jülich
D-52425 Jülich
Ph: +49 2461 61 2831

Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH
52425 Juelich
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Juelich
Eingetragen im Handelsregister des Amtsgerichts Dueren Nr. HR B 3498 
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: MinDir Dr. Karl Eugen Huthmacher
Geschaeftsfuehrung: Prof. Dr. Achim Bachem (Vorsitzender), Karsten Beneke 
(stellv. Vorsitzender), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harald Bolt, Prof. Dr. Sebastian M. 

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