Hi Jonathan:

On 12/17/2012 10:51 AM, Jonathan Gregory wrote:
Dear John

I have prototyped similar functionality in the CDM, documented here:

Thanks for this. I recall the earlier discussion and I think what you have
implemented would be a good extension to CF, namely

* Optional prefix "calendar" to the time-units means the corresponding
component of time is manipulated. You show only years and months. Do you
also accept the unproblematic units of days, hours, minutes and seconds
with "calendar" prefixed? Do you allow the SI prefixes to these units?

yes, the same periods are allowed that are in the udunits grammer:

period         = "millisec" | "msec" | "second" | "sec" | "s" | "minute" | "min" | "hour" | "hr" | "day" | 
"week" | "month" | "mon" |
                                        "year" | "yr"

we do not allow SI prefixes. we do allow plural forms, ie with an appended s.

* With calendar, only integer numbers of units are allowed. Are negative
numbers allowed?


* Invalid dates caused by adding months and years are decremented in whole
days until a valid date is reached.

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