
This post addresses two of your proposed standard_names:

(1)   sensor_band_central_wavelength

(2)   sensor_band_identifier


(1)   standard_name: sensor_band_central_wavelength

We have read the follow-up discussion regarding this proposed standard name.   
Consider the following:


The "center" wavelength could either be the mid-point in the band pass or the 
bandpass weighted mean value so even adding "central" would not necessarily 
resolve all possible ambiguities.


Your point that there are several types of radiation is a good one.  But, in 
the realm of CF standard_names, once a term gets a specific definition, that is 
what it means and how it can be used moving forward.  The applicable existing 
standard_name is radiation_wavelength with definition "The radiation wavelength 
can refer to any electromagnetic wave, such as light, heat radiation and radio 

Because of these considerations, there is a good argument to be made to select 
a more general term for the center wavelength for a sensor band.  E.g. 
"sensor_band_radiation_wavelength" as Jonathan proposed or even making due with 
the existing standard_name "radiation_wavelength".   Note that the definition 
of sensor_band_radiation_wavelength could address the "terminology used within 
the community" concerns you bring up.

The other benefit of moving forward this way is that consistency of the 
standard_names related to this functional area is maintained.


(2)   standard_name: sensor_band_identifier

I took a look at the existing set of standard_names.  There are no 
"identifiers".  Also note that band identifiers are program specific, and as 
you suggest can be any kind of alphanumeric string.  (For GOES-R, it is a 
number from 1 to 16.)  It raises the question why this needs to be a standard 
name.  The only application we can think of is that there is a need to relate 
an alphanumeric string to a data variable or portion of a data variable.  One 
does not need a standard_name to achieve this.  In paragraph 4.5 Discrete Axis 
and paragraph 6.1 Labels of the CF standard there is discussion of a capability 
allowing a coordinate axis to be used to associate a character string to a data 
variable or subset thereof (i.e. a string-valued coordinate variable or 
string-valued scalar coordinate variable).

Will this approach satisfy your need ?  If not, could you further elaborate on 
what you are specifically trying to accomplish with the establishment 
standard_name ?

very respectfully,


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