It is suggested to introduce new standard names for several tidal
quantities like (tidal) high_water, low_water etc. These are geophysical
concepts and it would be not adequate to describe them with cell_methods
and/or time bounds.
1.) tidal_high_water_level_above_sea_level [ m ]
The maximum height reached by a rising tide. The high water is due
to the periodic tidal forces and the effects of meteorological,
hydrologic, and/or oceanographic conditions. Sea_level means mean
sea level, which is close to the geoid in sea areas.
2.) tidal_low_water_level_above_sea_level [ m ]
The minimum height reached by a falling tide. The low water is due
to the periodic tidal forces and the effects of meteorological,
hydrologic, and/or oceanographic conditions. Sea_level means mean
sea level, which is close to the geoid in sea areas.
3.) tidal_range [ m ]
Arithmetic mean between tidal rise and tidal fall. Due to the periodic
tidal forces and the effects of meteorological, hydrologic, and/or
oceanographic conditions.
4.) half_tide_level_above_sea_level [ m ]
Water level at half tidal range. The level midway between high
water and mean low water for a tide. Due to the periodic tidal
forces and the effects of meteorological, hydrologic, and/or
oceanographic conditions. Sea_level means mean sea level, which is
close to the geoid in sea areas.
5.) mean_tide_water_level_above_sea_level [ m ]
The mean surface elevation as determined by averaging the heights
of the water at equal intervals of time for a tidal period, which is
the interval between two successive low waters. Differs
from half tide level due to tidal asymmetry. Due to the periodic tidal
forces and the effects of meteorological, hydrologic, and/or
oceanographic conditions. Sea_level means mean sea level, which is
close to the geoid in sea areas.
6.) mean_tidal_rise_water_level_above_sea_level [ m ]
(opt) mean_flood_water_level_above_sea_level [ m]
The mean surface elevation as determined by averaging the heights
of the water at equal intervals of time for the period of tidal rise,
which is the interval from low water to high water.
Differs from mean water level during tidal fall due to tidal
asymmetry. Due to the periodic tidal forces and the effects of
meteorological, hydrologic, and/or oceanographic conditions.
Sea_level means mean sea level, which is close to the geoid in
sea areas.
7.) mean_tidal_fall_water_level_above_sea_level [ m ]
(opt) mean_ebb_water_level_above_sea_level [ m]
The mean surface elevation as determined by averaging the heights
of the water at equal intervals of time for the period of tidal fall,
which is the interval from high water to low water.
Differs from mean water level during tidal rise due to tidal
asymmetry. Due to the periodic tidal forces and the effects of
meteorological, hydrologic, and/or oceanographic conditions.
Sea_level means mean sea level, which is close to the geoid in
sea areas.
8.) duration_of_tidal_rise [ s ]
Duration of rise is the interval from low water to high water. In
combination with duration_of_tidal_fall they cover, on an average,
a period of 12.42 hours for a semidiurnal tide or a period of 24.84
hours for a diurnal tide. In a normal semidiurnal tide, duration of
rise and duration of fall each will be approximately equal to 6.21
hours, but in shallow waters and in rivers there is a tendency for
a decrease in duration of rise and a corresponding increase in
duration of fall. Due to the periodic tidal forces and the effects
of meteorological, hydrologic, and/or oceanographic conditions.
9.) duration_of_tidal_fall [ s ]
Duration of fall is the interval from high water to low water. In
combination with duration_of_tidal_rise they cover, on an average,
a period of 12.42 hours for a semidiurnal tide or a period of 24.84
hours for a diurnal tide. In a normal semidiurnal tide, duration of
rise and duration of fall each will be approximately equal to 6.21
hours, but in shallow waters and in rivers there is a tendency for
a decrease in duration of rise and a corresponding increase in
duration of fall. Due to the periodic tidal forces and the effects
of meteorological, hydrologic, and/or oceanographic conditions.
10.) duration_of_tide [ s ]
(opt) tidal_period [ s ]
Interval between two successive low waters. Sum of duration_of_tidal_rise
and duration_of_tidal_fall. On an average, a period of 12.42 hours for
a semidiurnal tide or a period of 24.84 hours for a diurnal tide. Due
to the periodic tidal forces and the effects of meteorological,
hydrologic, and/or oceanographic conditions.
11.) time_of_occurrence_of_tidal_high_water [ s ]
Time when high water occurs. Due to the periodic tidal forces and
the effects of meteorological, hydrologic, and/or oceanographic
12.) time_of_occurrence_of_tidal_low_water [ s ]
Time when low water occurs. Due to the periodic tidal forces and
the effects of meteorological, hydrologic, and/or oceanographic
13.) tidal_difference_for_time_of_occurrence_of_tidal_high_water [ s ]
Difference in time of a high water at a subordinate station and at
a reference station. The difference, when applied according to sign
to the time at the reference station, gives the corresponding time
for the subordinate station. Due to the periodic tidal forces and
the effects of meteorological, hydrologic, and/or oceanographic
14.) tidal_difference_for_time_of_occurrence_of_tidal_low_water [ s ]
Difference in time of a low water at a subordinate station and at
a reference station. The difference, when applied according to sign
to the time at the reference station, gives the corresponding time
for the subordinate station. Due to the periodic tidal forces and
the effects of meteorological, hydrologic, and/or oceanographic
15.) tidal_rise [ m ]
Vertical difference between the water level at low water and the
water level at the subsequent high water. Due to the periodic tidal
forces and the effects of meteorological, hydrologic, and/or
oceanographic conditions.
16.) tidal_fall [ m ]
Vertical difference between the water level at high water and the
water level at the subsequent low water. Due to the periodic tidal
forces and the effects of meteorological, hydrologic, and/or
oceanographic conditions.
17.) duration_of_wetting_due_to_tidal_flooding [ s ]
Duration for which a location is covered with water due to tidal
flooding. Within the intertidal zone, flooding may last from 0.00
(always dry) up to, on an average, 12.42 hours (always wet) for a
semidiurnal tide. Or up to, on an average, 24.84 hours for a diurnal
tide. Due to the periodic tidal forces and the effects of
meteorological, hydrologic, and/or oceanographic conditions.
18.) duration_of_drying_due_to_tidal_ebbing [ s ]
Duration for which a location is not covered with water due to tidal
ebbing. Within the intertidal zone, ebbing may last from 0.00
(always wet) up to, on an average, 12.42 hours (always dry) for a
semidiurnal tide. Or up to, on an average, 24.84 hours for a diurnal
tide. Due to the periodic tidal forces and the effects of
meteorological, hydrologic, and/or oceanographic conditions.
Günther Lang
Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau - Dienststelle Hamburg
Referat Ästuarsysteme II
Wedeler Landstraße 157
22559 Hamburg
Telefon +49 (0) 40 81908 360
FN:Lang\, Günther
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