Dear Ben

Your arguments are reasonable and I have no answer except to say that there
are many possible choices, and we are following a compromise that has
apparently worked well for a number of years. It has been suggested before
that CF itself should be more prescriptive about what quantities are allowed
in CF datasets, I think, but that hasn't been a popular idea. Instead, we
have agreed names for quantities people want to describe with CF. Just as
netCDF is a general framework within which CF is a convention used for
certain purposes, more specific purposes (such as CMIP) develop their own
conventions to impose further constraints on how CF is used in their dataset.

Best wishes


----- Forwarded message from Ben Hetland <> -----

> From: Ben Hetland <>
> To: "" <>
> Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 19:15:27 +0000
> Subject: Re: [CF-metadata] downward_air_velocity
> Dear Richard and others,
> > If we tried to be prescriptive, it might either (a) prevent
> > people from using CF, or (b) using it incorrectly, because it
> > didn't quite fit their needs, but they didn't want to change
> > how they did things.
> or (c) using it incorrectly because they didn't quite understand
> all the requirements to be compliant with the standard.
> Those are all fair arguments, indeed, and valid concerns. I observe that 
> there is nevertheless a delicate balance to decide on which side of the 
> "acceptance threshold" each such requested feature falls. For instance I 
> noticed that you just "rejected" the idea of introducing an attribute for 
> positive direction, due to concerns matching (b) or possibly (c). Good! 
> However, my view is that multiple names for the same kind of data just falls 
> into the very same category. As the names serve a certain semantic purpose 
> within CF, defining several identifiers for the same opens up for another set 
> of potential problems. What if some person at some point interprets this to 
> mean that they should write _both_ variants, for instance? How should the 
> reader interpret that situation, and would it imply that they should bother 
> to actually check that the two sets are consistent? Or what about some reader 
> software being (stupidly) hardcoded to look for "downward_foo", but the data 
> provider deci
>  d at some point that it was more convenient to use "upward_foo"? That would 
> be a show-stopper for using CF for the poor user that is using those two 
> pieces of software... or at least an annoyance for a while!
> I agree to the concern about people being prevented from using CF. However, 
> if someone decides to go with -say- CF, they probably do so for the benefit 
> they think they will get from that. If the "price" is high for them to adapt 
> "how they did things", then surely they would consider something else. 
> However, all of the features discussed in this thread are almost trivial to 
> adapt to, so for most people these are not a cause for concern of type (a).
> > However, in practice most projects which generate CF data
> > (like CMIP) have their own further conventions, which usually
> > do prescribe more precisely what should be stored, in terms
> > of standard names.
> That might be so for many projects, but if they have prescribed CF and CF 
> says "downward_foo" it is, would it stop them from using that even if they 
> internally keep values with upward positive direction?
> > So for any particular project your preference above is met,
> > but it may differ from project to project.
> Does this assume that the "project" would incorporate both the data generator 
> part, as well as the consumer of those data?
> In most of "my" projects, I never get to choose the variable names at all! 
> They might have been produced long ago, or I don't have an influence on how 
> they are produced. I am then faced with interpreting what the "user" decides 
> to feed into my software in the best possible way, which also means I might 
> have to cope with every possibility the "standard" allows (and then some for 
> good measure). This is generally why I advocate keeping the standard as 
> minimal and unambigious as possible given that it also must cater to 
> everybody's needs (like Occam's Razor).
> -- 
> Best regards,
> -+-Ben-+-
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