Dear Mark

area_type is given in the standard_name table as having a unit of 1. It is
a categorical string-valued quantity.

Sect 3.1 of CF 1.6 says

"Units are not required for dimensionless quantities. A variable with no units
attribute is assumed to be dimensionless. However, a units attribute specifying
a dimensionless unit may optionally be included."

So, putting units="1" or omitting the units both mean the quantity is

Best wishes


----- Forwarded message from "Hedley, Mark" <> -----

> Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 08:37:14 +0000
> From: "Hedley, Mark" <>
> To: "" <>
> Subject: Re: [CF-metadata] string valued coordinates
> Hello CF
> > From: CF-metadata [] on behalf of Jonathan 
> > Gregory []
> > Yes, there are some standard names which imply string values, as Karl says. 
> > If the standard_name table says 1, that means the quantity is 
> > dimensionless, so it's also fine to omit the units, as Jim says.
> I would like to raise question about this statement.  Omitting the units and 
> stating that the units are '1' are two very different things;
>     dimensionless != no_unit
> is an important statement which should be clear to data consumers and 
> producers.
> If the standard name table defines a canonical unit for a standard_name of 
> '1' then I expect this quantity to be dimensionless, with a unit of '1' or 
> some multiple there of.
> If the standard name states that the canonical unit for a standard_name is '' 
> then I expect that quantity to have no unit stated.
> Any deviation from this behaviour is a break with the conventions.  I have 
> code which explicitly checks this for data sets.
> Are people aware of examples of the pattern of use described by Jonathan, 
> such as a categorical quantities identified by a standard_name with a 
> canonical unit of '1'?
> thank you
> mark

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