


That reference is not correct.

RE: is geostationary a special case of vertical perspective?

I don’t think of geostationary as being special case of vertical perspective, 
but if the center of the image is at the equator, there are similarities.  My 
opinion …  treat them as distinctly different.

very respectfully,


On Nov 19, 2014, at 3:45 PM, John Caron <> wrote:

> great, thanks for the clarification. 
> the reference in CF vertical perspective projections has this proj4 reference:
> is it wrong/misleading? 
> is geostationary a special case of vertical perspective?
> On Tue, Nov 18, 2014 at 6:28 PM, Randy Horne <> wrote:
> John:
> geostationary projection and vertical perspective projections are not the 
> same.
> an example of a vertical projection image is one taken by a camera in space, 
> which is not necessarily at the equator, and the data for the entire image is 
> observed using a single exposure.
> the geostationary projection is that associated with scanning imagers from 
> geostationary orbit where each image pixel covers a fixed number of 
> radians/degrees in east/west and north/south relative to the camera’s 
> aperture.
> very respectfully,
> randy
> On Nov 18, 2014, at 3:19 PM, John Caron <> wrote:
>> CF TRAC ticket 72 defines "geostationary projection", accepted for 1.7.
>> 1) I _think_ that "Vertical Perspective" is an earlier version of this, and 
>> it should be deprecated in favor of "geostationary". Does anyone have a 
>> different opinion?
>> 2) The draft 1.7 does not yet include it, so its been hard to refer users to 
>> it.
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Randy C. Horne (
Principal Engineer, Excalibur Laboratories Inc.
voice & fax: (321) 952.5100

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