Hi Jim,

I think you and Dan are trying to apply logic to set of conventions that a 
domain developed to get out of a mess caused by loose labelling conventions in 
the past.  'Old salinity' units are described as part per thousand, which is 
represented by the notation '0.001'. What this actually meant was 'parts of 
salt per thousand parts of water' which because chemistry was volumetric meant 
grams per litre, not grams per kilogram. At the time ppt was in widespread use 
salinity accuracy was such that the error resulting from assuming seawater had 
a density of 1 kg/l was insignificant.  These days it is extremely significant.

The physical oceanographic community has adopted the unit notation practice of 
'parts per thousand' for 'old' salinity, 'dimensionless' for practical salinity 
and grams per kilogram for absolute salinity. The current debate is the result 
of trying to map this convention into the SI-based logic of UDUNITS - a square 
peg into a hole that is decidedly round.

Cheers, Roy.

From: Jim Biard [mailto:jbi...@cicsnc.org]
Sent: 03 June 2015 14:01
To: cf-metadata@cgd.ucar.edu
Subject: Re: [CF-metadata] FW: Salinity units


I'm with Dan on this. I'm also feeling more and more confused by what everyone 
thinks units of '0.001' is supposed to mean. A number of the people writing on 
this topic appear to be asserting that this is some sort of dimensional unit. 
Neither 1, 0.001, nor percent are dimensional units, are they? They are all 
ways of referencing pure number quantities, as far as I can tell. When playing 
with the UDUNITS2 software, they are all considered as simple variations in 
scale factor.

So, what are you intending for me to understand when you tell me that 'older' 
salinity has units of 0.001 and Practical Salinity has units of 1?

Grace and peace,

On 6/3/15 6:03 AM, Hollis, Dan wrote:

Hi all,

I'm not a user of salinity data, nor am I an expert on CF. However my 
impression of this discussion is that the problem lies with the fact that the 
canonical units appear to be used to represent two different properties i.e. 
the dimensions and the units.

I would say that there are two classes of dimensionless quantity:

Those that genuinely have no units e.g. beaufort_wind_force

Those obtained by taking the ratio of other quantities that do have dimensions, 
such that the dimensions cancel out in the result

My feeling is that in both cases the canonical unit should always be '1'

However for the second category the user still needs to know what units the 
data are in (so that they can convert to other units, compare with other 
datasets etc) i.e. the user needs to know if the values are in g/kg or kg/kg. 
Surely this is the job of the units attribute, not the canonical units.

Note that this distinction applies to, and is more obvious for, dimensional 
quantities. As I understand it, if the canonical units are m/s this does not 
stop me from storing my data in km per hour or miles per second (or anything 
else understood by udunits), I just need to indicate the actual units via the 
units attribute.

So, I think we just need to extend this same thinking to dimensionless 

Apologies if I've misunderstood the issues...


Dan Hollis   Climatologist

Met Office   Hadley Centre   FitzRoy Road   Exeter   Devon   EX1 3PB   United 

Tel: +44 (0)1392 886780   Fax: +44 (0)1392 885681

E-mail: dan.hol...@metoffice.gov.uk<mailto:dan.hol...@metoffice.gov.uk>   
Website: http://www.metoffice.gov.uk

For UK climate and past weather information, visit 

-----Original Message-----

From: CF-metadata [mailto:cf-metadata-boun...@cgd.ucar.edu] On Behalf Of John 

Sent: 03 June 2015 08:51

To: Lowry, Roy K.; GODAE craig.don...@esa.int<mailto:craig.don...@esa.int>

Cc: cf-metadata@cgd.ucar.edu<mailto:cf-metadata@cgd.ucar.edu>

Subject: Re: [CF-metadata] FW: Salinity units

Late to the party. TEOS-10 suggests that archival should be PSS and then

that is converted (using TEOS-10) to Absolute Salinity (Sa) for thermo



On 6/2/15 9:23 PM, Lowry, Roy K. wrote:

Hi Craig,

Supports having the units for sea surface salinity as 0.001. I certainly don't 
want sea surface salinity to default to Practical Salinity.

Cheers, Roy.

-----Original Message-----

From: Craig Donlon [mailto:craig.don...@esa.int]

Sent: 03 June 2015 08:19

To: Lowry, Roy K.

Cc: cf-metadata@cgd.ucar.edu<mailto:cf-metadata@cgd.ucar.edu>; 

Subject: Re: [CF-metadata] FW: Salinity units


We have 3 satellites measuring sea surface salinity so we need to be a bit 
careful here.

I believe guidance from CF for his variable will help standardise the approach 
space agencies and projects are taking.  Certainly not PSU!!

All the best



*** Sent from my iPhone ***


Dr Craig Donlon

Sentinel-3 Mission Scientist,

Principal Scientist for Oceans and Ice

European Space Agency/ESTEC

Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ


The Netherlands

e:  craig.don...@esa.int<mailto:craig.don...@esa.int>

t:   +31 (0)715 653687

f:   +31 (0)715 655675

m: +31 (0)627 013244

Skype: crazit

On 3 Jun 2015, at 09:12, Lowry, Roy K. 
<r...@bodc.ac.uk><mailto:r...@bodc.ac.uk> wrote:

Dear All,

As I suspected, the message below indicates a preference by the physical 
oceanographers involved in TEOS-10 to use 0.001 for 'older style' salinities. 
This works for me. All we need to do is to prevent semi-intelligent (dumb?) 
data aggregation systems doing automatic units harmonisation on salinity and 
creating a 3 order of magnitude error. Salinity interconversions for data 
aggregation should be always be done using the relevant algorithm.

Sea surface salinity is a real fly in the ointment because it can either be a 
model output field (units 0.001) or an observation, which  could either be 
'older' (pre-78) salinity (units 0.001) or Practical Salinity (units 1). Rich 
Signell's suggestion of discontinuing usage of sea surface salinity is 
something I argued for (but lost) a decade ago and it isn't an argument I wish 
to resurrect because of the risk or re-opening the sea surface temperature can 
of worms.  As most sea surface salinity in CF is likely to be model output I 
would suggest keeping 0.001 as the Canonical unit and recommending that if it's 
Practical Salinity then label it as Practical Salinity.

Cheers, Roy.

-----Original Message-----

From: Rich Pawlowicz [mailto:rpawlow...@eos.ubc.ca]

Sent: 03 June 2015 00:26

To: Lowry, Roy K.

Subject: Re: [CF-metadata] Salinity units

Roy - I have to confess I am not entirely sure of the ramifications of making 
changes or how units are modified (by powers of 10, for example) in the CF 
system. I would agree with g/kg

for units on the TEOS-10 Reference Composition Salinity Scale.   I am not sure 
I would use

the same unit for old-style titration-salinities; keeping 0.001 might

be best for those


On Jun 2, 2015, at 10:06 AM, Lowry, Roy K. 
<r...@bodc.ac.uk><mailto:r...@bodc.ac.uk> wrote:

Dear Rich,

Do you have any comment on the CF community adopting g/kg as the canonical unit 
for all forms of salinity other than Practical Salinity?


Roy Lowry (oceanography domain CF Standards Names Committee member)


From: Signell, Richard [rsign...@usgs.gov<mailto:rsign...@usgs.gov>]

Sent: 02 June 2015 17:27

To: Alison Pamment

Cc: CF metadata

Subject: Re: [CF-metadata] Salinity units

Nan, Alison, and Co:

I agree also.  We should use "1" for "practical_salinity", and in the

comments say that to estimate other salinity variables such as

absolute_salinity, a formula must be used (perhaps such as those

provided in the GSW toolbox).

And one more thing:  I see also that in CF Standard Name table 27 we

have "g kg-1" for "absolute_salinity" and "preformed_salinity", but

"0.001" for "sea_surface_salinity" and many other salinities.    While

numerically they are the same, with "0.001" it's not clear whether

this is a percentage by mass or volume.  Since nobody measures

salinity as "ml liter-1", we should specify "g kg-1" for all

salinities other than "practical_salinity", right?

This would be consistent with: http://www.teos-10.org/pubs/TEOS-10_Manual.pdf.

Screenshots here (and attached):




On Tue, Jun 2, 2015 at 12:22 PM,  
<alison.pamm...@stfc.ac.uk><mailto:alison.pamm...@stfc.ac.uk> wrote:

Dear Nan, All,

Reading through what you and Rich saying i.e. that the values are (and probably 
always have been) in the range 0-40, then I agree that changing the canonical 
unit is not likely to cause problems with existing data, which was my main 
concern. In fact, I think using "1" does make more sense than 1 e-3 if 
practical salinity is a number on a relative scale rather than having any 
direct relation to concentration. So I now support this change. I will need to 
put some more thought into the definitions - I'm a little pushed for time today 
but will have another think about this tomorrow.

Best wishes,



Alison Pamment                                 Tel: +44 1235 778065

NCAS/Centre for Environmental Data Archival    Email: 

STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory

R25, 2.22

Harwell Oxford, Didcot, OX11 0QX, U.K.

-----Original Message-----

From: CF-metadata [mailto:cf-metadata-boun...@cgd.ucar.edu] On

Behalf Of Nan Galbraith

Sent: 02 June 2015 15:47

To: cf-metadata@cgd.ucar.edu<mailto:cf-metadata@cgd.ucar.edu>

Subject: Re: [CF-metadata] Salinity units

Hi All -

Can we move on this question?

I think the real problems with the unit .001, as mentioned by

various people elsewhere in this thread,  are that it invites users

to treat it as a scale factor, or to mistake it for g/kg.

Would it be possible to change canonical units to '1' and to add to

the definitions a statement that the 'units' field can't be used to

convey a scale factor, that scaling of data has to be done in

another field (is it scale_factor?) for dimensionless variables?  I

think this would protect existing datasets from misinterpretation -

basically making '.001' equivalent to '1' for these data variable.

It seems unlikely that there are existing CF datasets that were

written using '1'

as a practical salinity unit, intending it to convey that data

should be divided by

1000 to return to its non-dimensional state. If there are such

datasets out there, they presumably have the standard name table

version included somewhere in their metadata - but it would be very

surprising if the unit has been used this way.

I don't see any down side to making this change, since it moves CF

closer to the widely-accepted view on PS units, without endangering

any existing data sets.

OceanSITES is champing at the bit to have this resolved, so I'd

hate to see us drop the discussion at this point.

Cheers - and thanks -


On 5/27/15 1:56 PM, Signell, Richard wrote:

For all these salinity datasets, the actual data values for salinity

are in the range of 0-40, not 0.0-0.040.   And I don't think people

want that to change.   So the problem is users understanding the

difference between values of 0-40 that *are not* supposed to be

used as "g/kg" and values of 0-40 that *are* supposed to be used as "g/kg".

On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 1:11 
PM,<alison.pamm...@stfc.ac.uk><mailto:alison.pamm...@stfc.ac.uk>  wrote:

Dear Nan, All,

Certainly this topic has come up several times and we never

seem to


get to a solution that suits everybody.

I don’t know why 1e-3 was originally chosen for use in the



table, but even if you go back to version 1 it is in there,

which means it was agreed prior to 2006 when the CF website at PCMDI was set up.

The last time the question of salinity units was aired in

detail was


the TEOS-10 discussions in 2011. Unfortunately, the mailing

list archive seems to be unavailable at the moment, but I can

vouch for the fact

that the

current definitions of the salinity names came from the very

detailed discussions that we had at that time. In particular,

we added the


wording to the definition of sea_water_practical_salinity:

‘Practical Salinity, S_P, is defined on the Practical Salinity

Scale of 1978 (PSS-78) and is calculated from the electrical

conductivity of sea water (as well


temperature and pressure). Officially S_P is dimensionless so



convenient, and while it is common practice, it is not



to say S_P = 35 psu. Often authors use PSS-78, as in S_P = 35

PSS-78. If salinity was measured using remote sensing

techniques and not


then it is recommended that additional metadata


information) be described in the variable comment attribute.’

Once upon a time (back in 2009) there was a discussion about


CF to

use ‘psu’ as a unit in its own right, but I think the TEOS-10

discussion made it clear that ‘psu’ is not really a unit at

all, so that idea was dropped and we continued to use 1e-3.

We should remember that the canonical unit of ‘1e-3’ doesn’t



using ‘1’ in their files if they prefer it, and vice versa. As

Jim has already pointed out, UDunits can certainly cope with

that. So in one


it doesn’t really matter to CF which we choose as the canonical

unit as


as we can agree and, most importantly, make the definition



clear so that consumers of the files know how to interpret the data.

In previous discussions there has never been unanimous



whether it is better to use ‘1e-3’ or ‘1’. My niggling concern

about changing the unit after all these years is whether it

will lead to misinterpretation of existing data files. Is that going to be a 


have in the past changed the canonical units of standard names,


only to

correct outright errors, rather than to change the

interpretation of a


How big a problem is it for the oceanographic community if we



the unit?

If we do decide to go with ‘1’ as the canonical unit, is there

a reference, such as TEOS-10, which we can use to support our

decision? It would be useful to include it in the definition

and hopefully reduce the need to


revisiting this same question.

Either way, I think we can improve further on the definition to



better understand the data.

Best wishes,


From: CF-metadata [mailto:cf-metadata-boun...@cgd.ucar.edu] On

Behalf Of Nan


Sent: 27 May 2015 15:45

To: Rich Pawlowicz


Subject: Re: [CF-metadata] Salinity units

Hi all -

The '.001' units for P.S. doesn't mean that stored values of

practical salinity differs from A.S. by 'a factor of around a

1000', as far as I know. If that's the logical inference, then

this unit is really a problem, and maybe we should do something about it.

I wish my CF email archive went back a little further, because

there's nothing (since 2004) that I can find that explains the

rationale for this unit. It certainly *looks* like a compromise

between a unit for a non-dimensional variable and PPT ... When

this was originally under discussion, way back when, I'll bet

someone argued that it would


be a big problem.  I'd really love to see that email thread!

Cheers -


On 5/26/15 11:52 AM, Rich Pawlowicz wrote:

I’m not sure what the best answer is either, but I think the “correct”



to have people deal with Practical Salinity in some special

fashion in their workflow, because it *is* defined in a weird

way that is generally incompatible with the general idea of

‘quantities with units’) - getting a salinity definition that

is aligned with the way all other quantities in the world are

defined was one of the motivating factors behind


So, essentially people would have to make their own choice

about what to do with ‘practical salinity’ for whatever they are doing.

I will point out, though, that having two kinds of data that

differ numerically by a factor of around a 1000 is a good way

of getting them to realize that they really are not exactly

compatible - you wouldn’t *want* Practical Salinity and

Absolute salinity on the same plot (“look - salinity increased

by 0.16 g/kg everywhere in 2010!”)

But I understand that one might want to make this as painless

as possible.

On May 26, 2015, at 8:48 AM, Signell,




Thanks for this.   Yes, I guess my concern is that folks will do a

catalog search for *salinity* variables, and with a few spot

checks, see that they are have data values in the range of

29-36 or so, and then go ahead and run a workflow that converts all units using 

units attribute.   And if "practical salinity" has units of "1" and

"absolute salinity" has units of "g/kg" = "0.001", then the data might

not appear on that fixed y-axis plot with [29 36].     But I don't

have a good alternative.   I guess we have to rely that people will

realize from the standard_names that for comparison, you need

to estimate absolute salinity from practical salinity using

tools like GSW toolbox.


On Fri, May 22, 2015 at 3:59 PM, Rich



Ummm…I’m not entirely what you are asking, but

a) PSS-78 Practical Salinity is a dimensionless number.  It was

defined such that "the numerical values of practical salinity

would be similar to the numerical values of previous salinity

data, when expressed in ‰”, but it isn’t in fact ppt or

anything, and you shouldn’t be multiplying it up or down by

factors of 1000.

b) "Previous salinity data”, (Cox or Knudsen salinity) which

was obtained from titrations, does in fact represent a mass

fraction of something (because you are titrating with a mass of silver).

This was denoted by the ppt ‘unit'.

c) TEOS-10 Absolute Salinity is also a mass fraction (of

dissolved solute on the Reference Composition Salinity Scale).

However, nowadays the SI brochure suggests that different

quantities should be distinguished by their symbols, not their

units.  So, there isn’t actually a


unit for Absolute Salinity. You can write

S_A = 35 g/kg = 0.035 kg/kg = 35000 mg/kg

or, again using SI rules and treating the units as a ‘thing’:

S_A/(g/kg) = 35

and any of these are valid - the same way lengths can be in

meters or km or mm or whatever is handy (this is also true for

preformed salinity).

‘ppt’ is discouraged as a unit of mass fraction because (for

example) it could be confused with ‘part per trillion’

Now, the gsw toolbox assumes ‘g/kg’ for its TEOS-10 salinity

inputs and outputs, but YOU don’t have to do that if you don’t want to.

I admit it is a little magic how we can ESTIMATE Absolute

Salinity (with

units) from Practical Salinity (without units), but keep in

mind that this is only ONE possible way of estimating Absolute

Salinity, and in fact it


a method that is metrologically somewhat suspect because of the

definition of PSS-78. S_A could also be obtained from density

measurements, for example - and then there is some other

conversion factor involving different units.


On May 22, 2015, at 1:01 PM, Signell,




For sure dimensionless.  But "1.0", "0.001" or "g/kg"?

The latest version (27) of the CF Standard Name list




sea_water_salinity: "0.001"

sea_water_absolute_salinity: "g kg-1"

sea_water_practical_salinity:    "0.001"

sea_water_preformed_salinity:  "g kg-1"

sea_water_cox_salinity: "0.001"

and units packages, of course, would treat "g kg-1" the same as "0.001".

Yet in the IOC manual on equation of seawater:


it states (PDF page 176, printed page 166) that Practical

Salinity should have units of "1", while "Absolute Salinity"

(the argument used in the toolbox functions) and "Preformed

Salinity" (used in numerical ocean models) should have units "g kg-1".

So it appears that TEOS agrees with CF on units for Absolute

Salinity and Preformed Salinity, but not on Practical Salinity.

And OceanSites (as least here:


is using "sea_water_practical_salinity" with units of "1", so

they are consistent with the TEOS publication, but not the

current CF convention (v27).

On the TEOS site, there is software to calculate Absolute Salinity

from Practical Salinity.   So it would seem that the technically

correct thing to do would be to use the "gsw_SA_from_SP"

routine to convert OceanSites Practical Salinity (in units of

"1") to Absolute Salinity (in units of "g/kg") before comparing

with the "Preformed Salinity" output "g/kg" from ocean models.

I'm pretty confused though, so I'm cc'ing Rich Pawlowicz on

this, hoping for his input.



On Fri, May 22, 2015 at 1:49 PM, Lowry, Roy 
K.<r...@bodc.ac.uk><mailto:r...@bodc.ac.uk>  wrote:

Dimensionless. Please????

This is the view of physical oceanographers for whom I have the



Cheers, Roy.


From: Reyna Jenkyns [re...@uvic.ca<mailto:re...@uvic.ca>]

Sent: 22 May 2015 18:06

To:cf-metadata@cgd.ucar.edu<mailto:To:cf-metadata@cgd.ucar.edu>; OceanSITES 
Data Management Team;

Nan Galbraith

Subject: Re: [CF-metadata] Salinity units

I'm interested in this topic since I didn't realize what had



previously, and now I think we must be non-compliant as well.

Is this documented formally in the CF documentation?

Reyna Jenkyns | Data Stewardship Team Lead - Digital

Infrastructure Ocean Networks Canada | T 250 853 3908 |

oceannetworks.ca University of Victoria PO Box 1700 STN CSC

2300 McKenzie Avenue

Victoria, BC

V8W 2Y2


 on behalf




Sent: Friday, May 22, 2015 10:03 AM

To:cf-metadata@cgd.ucar.edu<mailto:To:cf-metadata@cgd.ucar.edu>; OceanSITES 
Data Management Team

Subject: Re: [CF-metadata] Salinity units

Hello all -

It's been a long time, but is anyone interested in re-visiting

the subject of units for practical salinity in CF?

I was recently notified that my salinity data was likely to be

overlooked by some users, because I'd used '1' as the units,

not '.001'. Somehow, I'd forgotten the (long-ago) discussion on

the CF list about salinity units.

Some members of  the OceanSITES project are interested in



format spec to encourage the use of '1' as an indication that



not have units - but, of course, we'd mostly rather remain CF-


Thanks for any feedback on this.

Cheers - Nan

On 6/17/09 2:48 AM, Lowry, Roy K wrote:

Dear All,

During an exercise with Alison mapping the CF Standard Names to

a units vocabulary in the BODC vocabulary server I noticed that

the units for salinity were '1.00E-03', i.e. parts per thousand.

My understanding in that since the introduction of the

Practical Salinity Scale that salinity is dimensionless with units of '1'.

Is there agreement for our changing the units in the Standard

Name table?

Cheers, Roy.



* Nan Galbraith        Information Systems Specialist *

* Upper Ocean Processes Group            Mail Stop 29 *

* Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution                *

* Woods Hole, MA 02543                 (508) 289-2444 *



CF-metadata mailing list




CF-metadata mailing list




Dr. Richard P. Signell   (508) 457-2229

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Rich Pawlowicz, Associate Professor, Ocean Dynamics Laboratory Dept.

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