Dear Martin,

it should be a weighted time mean, as we also request for sea-ice
thickness, for example.



Dr. Dirk Notz

Am 02.08.2016 um 13:37 schrieb
> Dear Dirk,
> OK. For the snow thickness, do you want a weighted time mean? For example, if 
> there is a 1m snow layer over 50% of a grid cell for half the month and 3m 
> over 25% for the 2nd half of the month (the rest of the cell being snow 
> free), do you want a weighted time mean of 1.6667m or a simple mean of 2m?
> regards,
> Martin
> ________________________________________
> From: Dirk Notz []
> Sent: 02 August 2016 11:59
> To: Juckes, Martin (STFC,RAL,RALSP);; Pamment, 
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [CF-metadata] CMIP6 Sea Ice MIP: Ice thickness
> Dear Martin,
>> It looks as though you have resolved all the issues nicely, but I have one 
>> concern about Jonathan's suggestion for dealing with the thickness of ice 
>> floating in melt ponds on the surface of sea ice. The suggestion is to use 
>> the existing standard name "floating_ice_thickness" with a cell methods term 
>> of the form "area: mean where sea_ice_melt_pond".  My concern is that there 
>> is some ambiguity here between the thickness of the ice floating in the melt 
>> pond and the thickness of the sea ice underneath the melt pond, which is 
>> floating in the sea. This might be resolved if "floating_ice_thickness" was 
>> to be defined in such a way as to exclude sea ice, but the current 
>> definition does not do this.  (It states that '"Floating ice" means any ice 
>> that is floating on water, e.g. on a sea or lake surface.')
> This is an important point, thanks for raising it. It might then be
> necessary to indeed introduce a new variable as initially suggested to
> avoid this ambiguity. This variable was initially called
> "thickness_of_sea_ice_melt_pond_refrozen_ice ".
>> I have a 2nd comment about the suggested area type of snow_covered_sea_ice:  
>> this has been proposed for use with variables which represent the amount of 
>> snow on sea ice (m) and the heat content of that snow (J m-2). In both cases 
>> these are quantities which can be considered as zero on snow-free sea ice, 
>> in which case there is no need to mask them by the area of snow cover (I 
>> believe Jonathan has advanced this argument in another thread recently). In 
>> this case, amount of snow on sea ice would just be represented by 
>> "surface_snow_thickness" with cell methods "area: mean where sea_ice over 
>> all_area_types" (or "area: mean where sea_ice over sea").
> This is certainly true for the heat content. For snow thickness,
> however, we would like to be able to consider partial snow coverage. We
> would like to record the thickness of the actual snow, not the average
> thickness including those parts of sea ice that are ice free. Hence, for
> snow thickness, I believe that the area type "snow_covered_sea_ice"
> should still be applied.
> Thanks in any case for your helpful feedback,
> best,
>  Dirk
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