
There are two issues before us. One is the question of standard names for these quantities - the other is the question of the units to use. I would vastly prefer that we define the standard names in such a fashion that we could use straight dates as well as "day of year" or "day of period". The difficulty with using "day of year" or "day of period" as units is that the units attribute uses the UDUNITS controlled vocabulary. This units vocabulary doesn't have a mechanism for referencing an epoch that changes from measurement to measurement. I think the time units form, "days since YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS", is the only such form in UDUNITS. This isn't an insurmountable obstacle, but it goes outside of CF.

Does CF currently allows a climatological form in the cell_methods attribute for measurements of this sort? I see the value in what you are describing. Would it require an extension of the conventions related to cell_methods?

Grace and peace,


On 3/27/17 9:45 AM, Hollis, Dan wrote:
Hi all,

(Several of last week's postings only appeared in my inbox on Friday and were 
not in chronological order of when they were sent - apologies if I've missed 
something or am repeating something already posted by others.)

A couple of thoughts:

Regarding the quantity itself, my feeling is that "day of year" is better than "days since 
YYYY-MM-DD" (as noted by others, the former makes intercomparisons between different years that little 
bit easier). However I'm not sure how that works for a period that spans two calendar years e.g. dates of 
first frost and last frost for the period 1st July to 30th June. If we use "day of year" then the 
first frost might have values in the range 270-330 in the first calendar year, while the last frost might 
have values of 100-150 in the second calendar year. Would it be obvious to a user how to interpret these 

So, how about using "day of period" instead? By this I mean the number of days since the start of 
the bounds for the time coordinate. In my example: 1 = 1st July, 2 = 2nd July,.., 365 = 30th June. However if 
another user defined their period of interest to be 1st Aug to 1st May (I think Jim said he used this 
definition) then in this situation 1 = 1st Aug, 2 = 2nd Aug,.., 274 = 1st May. This approach would be 
completely flexible i.e. you could handle any period of interest and you could even store values for periods 
that span several calendar years without ambiguity. If you need the actual date of the event (e.g. to allow 
you to compare Jim's data with mine) then you could add the bounds start to the "day of period" 
value. The other benefit would be that higher values always meant chronologically later events (unlike 
"day of year" where the last frost has lower values than the first frost despite occurring later in 
the period).

Secondly, regarding cell methods, it occurs to me that there are several existing 
examples where the cell methods describe what happens before and after a threshold is 
applied but they do not describe the effect of the threshold itself. For example, I 
believe that valid cell methods for 
"number_of_days_with_air_temperature_above_threshold" could be:

"time: minimum within days   time: sum over days"

The fact that a time series of daily minimum temperatures (created by the first 
part of the cell methods) is magically transformed into a series of 0s and 1s 
(which can then be summed according to second part of the cell methods) is 
implicit in the standard_name (and its associated definition and scalar 
coordinate variable). The transformation itself is _not_ captured by the cell 

Following this approach for 'first frost', we could imagine standard names like:

and cell methods something like:
"time: minimum within days   time: minimum over days"

The fact that the time series of daily minimum temperatures is 'magically' 
transformed into a series of day numbers (but only when the min temp is below 
the threshold) is implicit in the standard name (and is deliberately not 
captured by the cell methods).

'last frost' could use the same standard name but slightly modified cell 
"time: minimum within days   time: maximum over days"

I'm not certain, but maybe this could also be applied to things like degree 
days i.e. the cell methods would capture what happened before and after, but 
they would not capture the actual transformation from daily temperature to 
degree days.

Hope these ideas are useful.



Dan Hollis   Climatologist
Met Office   Hadley Centre   FitzRoy Road   Exeter   Devon   EX1 3PB   United 
Tel: +44 (0)1392 884535   Mob: +44 (0)7342058682   Fax: +44 (0)1392 885681
E-mail: dan.hol...@metoffice.gov.uk   Website: http://www.metoffice.gov.uk
For UK climate and past weather information, visit 

-----Original Message-----
From: CF-metadata [mailto:cf-metadata-boun...@cgd.ucar.edu] On Behalf Of 
Bärring Lars
Sent: 22 March 2017 12:47
To: Jon Blower; cf-metadata@cgd.ucar.edu
Subject: Re: [CF-metadata] Recording "day of year on which something happens"

Dear all,

Some further comments (top posting because my email reader does not easily 
handle inline comments)

1. I think that it is essential to also capture the temperature threshold used 
to calculate the GDD. The Wikipedia article suggests that 10 degC is most 
common (or even standard), but in my experience 5 degC is common, and this is 
what ETCCDI and ET-SCI are using in their definitions. And it seems that 5 degC 
is used in the scientific paper cited in Wikipedia article. Hence, a CF 
standard name should somehow be able to capture which threshold temperature is 

2.The Wikipedia article mentions that "maximum temperature is usually capped at 30 °C" 
but this is to my understanding in relation to the simplified calculation using  diurnal midrange, 
(Tmax+Tmin)/2. as a 'proxy' for daily mean temperature. And it is not clear what is meant by 
"usually" in this context. For example ETCCDI and ET-SCI  definitions do not impose this 
upper limit, and their definitions are very well established and have for example been used in 
several rounds of IPCC assessments. Now, there might be (are) alternative definitions out there, 
some tweaked for specific purposes that involves all sorts of complexities. But if we are going to 
work towards defining some standard names I think it would be good to begin with the 
well-established and widely disseminated definitions, cf. the AMS glossary 

Another aspect to keep in mind is that with modern (since a couple of 
decades...) measurement equipment it is possible to get higher temporal 
resolution than daily mean temperature (proper,  or estimated as diurnal 
mid-range). Hence there is also the very similar concept of growing degree 
hours, cf. http://glossary.ametsoc.org/wiki/Growing_degree-hour

Preferably, a standard name should be agnostic to the temporal resolution of 
the input data.

4. I guess that the cell methods, and units, will become clearer once the 
standard name has been teased out.

Jon, I would be interested to learn what your project colleagues are using.

Finally, to refocus back on the original topic of this thread (that is much 
broader than growing degree day thresholds dates) : We should not forget that 
there are many other use cases for a CF mechanism to record the first/last/etc. 
timing of an event in relation to a reference time.

Kind regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: CF-metadata [mailto:cf-metadata-boun...@cgd.ucar.edu] On Behalf Of Jon 
Sent: den 22 mars 2017 10:34
To: cf-metadata@cgd.ucar.edu
Subject: Re: [CF-metadata] Recording "day of year on which something happens"

Dear all,

Thanks again for the helpful replies to my last summary email. I’ll pick up on 
the points here:

  1. I realise that my use of the word “threshold” may have been confusing in 
this context. I was following the precedent set by previous standard names. The 
variable would record the day of the year (or growing season) on which the 
“threshold” number of degree days is attained. The possible values of this 
threshold are stored in a coordinate variable. This is very different from the 
“threshold” temperature that is used in the calculation of the “growing degree 
day” parameter itself.

  2. I’m not at all an expert here, but my understanding is that there are 
various possible ways to calculate GDDs. Lars has helpfully pointed out that 
ET-SCI and ETCCDI definitions exist, and I’ll pass these on to the project team 
– maybe that’s what the team are using. But anyway, I’m not totally sure that 
“integral_of_air_temperature_excess_wrt_time” is strictly accurate in all 
cases, since it’s not always simply a question of integrating some “delta-T” 
over time. The Wikipedia article points out some ways in which GDD is not a 
strict integral (e.g. in some cases it is considered that there is a maximum 
number of GDDs that can be meaningfully attained in a day).

  3. David correctly pointed out the “Northern Hemisphere chauvinism” in my 
proposal. Our project is focused on Europe, but it is quite correct to consider 
how the same approach might apply to the southern hemisphere growing season.

  4. I’m still not convinced about using “sum” in cell_methods. This might be 
appropriate if the variable in question were GDD, but the variable is actually 
a _time_ at which we reach a certain number of GDD. We are not summing time, so 
I’m not sure that using “sum” is right. Happy to be corrected on this though, 
maybe I’ve misunderstood the intention.

I think I need to discuss these issues within the project to work out exactly 
what we’re actually going to be recording – I’ll do this and report back our 

Many thanks again,

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