There have been a few similar efforts.

One is the work in NCO -- not about CF per-se but about a way to translate
the netcdf data model to json -- once you've done that, the CF rules are
pretty much the same.

There was also an effort by Pedro Nunes at NESDIS/STAR:

and NCO now supports something (not sure the final state of that). The
discussion on sourceforge is here:

I'm not sure the status of either of those efforts, but hopefully we won't
have a third one!


On Tue, Jul 25, 2017 at 12:20 PM, David Johnson <>

> Hello All,
> Apologies if this is wrong place to post this. But I would like to draw
> your attention to an open source initiative we have started:
> The intention of this is to develop a standard around online exchange of
> climate and weather data. Based firmly on CF conventions for NetCDF. This
> was in response to the lack of any obvious standards for JSON. The transfer
> of weather data via RESTful services is now widespread and JSON is a common
> format for this. The geospatial community have geojson so we figured we
> need something similar. We are using this internally, but would be happy to
> see wider adoption.
> Pleased to have any feedback and/or knowledge of other existing efforts in
> this space.
> Best regards,
> Dave
> --
> [image: MetOcean Solutions Ltd] <>
> *Dr David Johnson*
> Technical Director
> t: +64 7 825 0540 ext.1 <http://+6467585035/>02
> m: +64 2 <http://+64276853473/>1 057 1058
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> CF-metadata mailing list


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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