
In what sense do feel this doesn't qualify as an ancillary variable? That's not the same as an auxiliary coordinate variable. It is a data variable that provides support (for lack of a better phrase) to one or more primary data variables. I don't think common practice about how a variable is stored is a significant discriminator. I think CF needs a way to indicate relationships outside of file boundaries, but that is a separate issue.

I read Nan's comment as suggesting that we take a different approach, that isn't yet part of CF. Instead of coming up with N standard names for the quality data, use the standard name 'status_flag' <http://mmisw.org/cfsn/#/status_flag> on this variable and come up with a new attribute that could be added to CF that would encode the particulars of how the index is calculated.

Grace and peace,


On 10/11/17 9:01 AM, Heather Brown - NOAA Affiliate wrote:
To clarify Brian is looking to use the name below.
*New Name*: radar_quality_index_from_beam_blockage_and_vpr
 Per  the first email
*Description*: the quality of a ground-based radar based on the combined measure of beam blockage and the effects of a vertical profile of reflectivity.
*Unit*: 1 (dimensionless)

This particular file doesn't have the ability to be an ancillary variable due to being the only variable that is not a coordinate variable. Ideally, we would have this setup to make it clearer to users and might happen in the future. At this time this is common practice for this variable to be in a stand-alone file There are other "index" standard names. Do you need more information to understand if it can be comparable across different radars/data sources? Brian, maybe you can elaborate on the standard practice of this index and how other radars/data sources can compare the same information.

Hope this helps.

Heather Brown
Meteorological Archive Specialist - ERT - Federal Government Contractor
NOAA's NationalCenters for Environmental Information (NCEI)
151 Patton Ave.
Asheville, NC 28801-5001 USA
heather.br...@noaa.gov <mailto:heather.br...@noaa.gov>
Voice: +1 828-271-4863 <tel:%2B1%20828-271-4863>Fax: +1 828-271-4328 <tel:%2B1%20828-271-4328>

The newly formed NCEI merges the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC), the National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC), and the National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC).
/Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/NOAANationalClimaticDataCenter Twitter: @NOAANCDC @NOAAOceanData/

On Tue, Oct 10, 2017 at 11:19 AM, Brian Nelson - NOAA Federal <brian.nel...@noaa.gov <mailto:brian.nel...@noaa.gov>> wrote:

    will work as suggested by mike dixon

    On Tue, Oct 10, 2017 at 10:58 AM, Heather Brown - NOAA Affiliate
    <heather.br...@noaa.gov <mailto:heather.br...@noaa.gov>> wrote:

        I defer to Brian Nelson to answer the variable intent and
        I do know this is for creating and improving a Climate Data
        Record dataset.

        Heather Brown
        Meteorological Archive Specialist - ERT - Federal Government
        NOAA's NationalCenters for Environmental Information (NCEI)
        151 Patton Ave.
        Asheville, NC 28801
        heather.br...@noaa.gov <mailto:heather.br...@noaa.gov>
        Voice: +1 828-271-4863 <tel:%2B1%20828-271-4863>Fax: +1
        828-271-4328 <tel:%2B1%20828-271-4328>

        The newly formed NCEI merges the National Climatic Data Center
        (NCDC), the National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC), and the
        National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC).
        Twitter: @NOAANCDC @NOAAOceanData/

        On Tue, Oct 10, 2017 at 9:39 AM, Nan Galbraith
        <ngalbra...@whoi.edu <mailto:ngalbra...@whoi.edu>> wrote:

            Maybe instead of ' radar_quality_index' NCEI could use a
            more general
            approach; an ancillary variable of radar_qc, and then a
            standard attribute
            that describes how the  QC variable is calculated.

            As far as I know there's no way, currently, to provide
            such a description in
            a way that would be clear to data users, but this approach
            would avoid a
            proliferation of quality_index standard names.

            I don't know about different radar systems, but a very
            similar concept could be
            applied to ADCP data, perhaps by combining echo amplitude
            and percent good
            to get a more 'complete' QC variable. We don't routinely
            do that, but it might be
            useful, if we had a standard way to document the meaning
            of the resulting QC
            value and the way it was calculated.

            Cheers - Nan

            On 10/5/17 1:00 PM, Jim Biard wrote:


                There needs to be a full definition of the quantity
                that is more precise than the sentence below. Keep in
                mind that not every quantity needs a standard name. I
                have one question in particular. Is this a quantity
                that is comparable across different radars?

                Grace and peace,


                On 10/5/17 12:21 PM, Heather Brown - NOAA Affiliate wrote:


                    Are there any opinion and/or thoughts to adding
                    this standard name?


                    Heather Brown

                    On Tue, Sep 5, 2017 at 4:58 PM, Brian Nelson -
                    NOAA Federal <brian.nel...@noaa.gov
                    <mailto:brian.nel...@noaa.gov>>> wrote:

                        I would like to request a standard name for a
                    variable that
                        defines the quality of a ground based radar
                    based on the combined
                        measure of beam blockage and the effects of
                    vertical profile of

                        There is no such standard name available nor
                    does an existing one
                        meet the requirements.

                        The name should be: radar_quality_index
                        Units : dimensionless (1)


-- *******************************************************
            * Nan Galbraith        Information Systems Specialist *
            * Upper Ocean Processes Group Mail Stop 29 *
            * Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution               *
            * Woods Hole, MA 02543 (508) 289-2444
            <tel:%28508%29%20289-2444> *

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North Carolina State University <http://ncsu.edu/>
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