I would not recommend UGRID for non-standard but structured (e.g logically 
rectangular) grids. I'm not aware of anyone planning to turn in data on a 
completely unstructured grid in CMIP6.

Thanks, and best wishes to everyone for 2018,

Karl Taylor writes:

In CMIP we require that  both missing_value and _FillValue be defined as 1.e20 for requested variables that occupy only a portion of the global grid.  For bounds variables, I'll suggest that when needed, both _FillValue and missing_value also be defined as 1.e20. That way software that relies on either one will work.

My understanding of UGRID is that it provides for a much fuller description of a grid than CF.  For CMIP, I think we can recommend UGRID be used for non-standard grids, but I'm reluctant to require it.  Most grids for most purposes I think can be adequately described with the CF-mandated attributes.  Does anyone disagree?


On 1/1/18 4:47 PM, Chris Barker wrote:
On Wed, Dec 20, 2017 at 2:21 PM, Karl Taylor <taylo...@llnl.gov <mailto:taylo...@llnl.gov>> wrote:

    My sense is that no one violently opposes the use of missing_value
    to fill unused vertices for grid cells with fewer than the maximum
    number of vertices.

I'm pretty sure this has been brought this up before (at least suggesting that UGRID be consulted )but UGRID uses _FillValue , rather than missing_value:


I have no recollection as to why that was chosen, but I encourage you not to do something different than an existing standard without good reason.

    For CMIP6 some models may need to define grids with a few cells
    having one less vertex than the majority.  I am (much too late in
    the process) writing down the data requirements for CMIP6 model

Any reason CMIP shouldn't specify the  UGRID standard and be done with it?

If there is something missing from the UGRID standard that is needed, please let us know, and ideally propose an addition.



Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

Emergency Response Division
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V. Balaji                               Office:  +1-609-452-6516
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