Dear Jonathan,

Regarding "dry": When we provide the total particle mass or the
particle size distribution, it is important to distinguish between
dry and wet particle condition. When we provide the mass of one
species (independent of the particle size) it does not matter
whether we consider dry oder wet particles. Therefore, dry does not
need to be included in these names.
OK - that's fine. Do you also not need to mention "aerosol"? I mean, does
"particulate" necessarily mean "aerosol"? I suppose it does, in air.
Yes, your are right.

Is it feasible to rename all affected standard names?
It would be feasible (using aliases) but is it necessary? It seems to me that
your question has identified that there should be a distinction between e.g.
for X=ammonium etc. These are different quantities: the former refers to the
mass of ammonium only, the latter to the dry mass of the aerosol of that type.
That is, we need new names for CMIP6, not aliases.
Yes, there should be a distinction between both standard names. However, the latter name has been used as synonym for the first name up till now (e.g. in CMIP5 or in a data set I published recently). Additionally, the latter name has no real application - at least I am not aware of an application (neither for model nor for measurement data). Therefore, it might be reasonable for backward compatibility to use aliases.


On 21.12.2017 11:51, Jonathan Gregory wrote:
Dear Daniel

I see this is an awkward problem. I can't think of a better idea than your
suggestion of mass_concentration_of_particulate_X_in_air where X is
ammonium etc. There are some ocean standard names with "particulate" in this
sense. Does it matter that you don't have "dry aerosol" in there? I guess
you could say mass_concentrations_of_dry_aerosol_particulate_X_in_air.

Best wishes


----- Forwarded message from Daniel Neumann<>  
From: Daniel Neumann<>
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2017 01:07:45 +0100
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101
Subject: Re: [CF-metadata] grid cells with a varying number of cell bounds

Hi Karl,

please note, that the usage of some of the standard names used in
the CMIP6 variable list do not comply with the current state of
discussion on the CF-Mailing list. I know it is not a topic in this
thread but I don't get people from CMIP6 Aerosol section involved on
this mailing list (tried William Collins and Michael Schulz).

The affected standard names are (in the Tables Eday and AERmon):

The problem arose here:
Text passages following "10. ..." and "11. ...".

and please see my last reminder on this topic including a summary here:
and here

Yes, I am pushy on this topic ;-) . I would like to have this
ambiguity resolved at one point of time. This state of discussion
which I would love.


On 20.12.2017 23:21, Karl Taylor wrote:
Hi all,

It now becomes urgent to resolve this discussion.

My sense is that no one violently opposes the use of missing_value
to fill unused vertices for grid cells with fewer than the maximum
number of vertices.  For CMIP6 some models may need to define
grids with a few cells having one less vertex than the majority. I
am (much too late in the process) writing down the data
requirements for CMIP6 model output, and unless someone objects, I
will specify that the missing_value can be used in this way.

My only qualm is that technically, some might regard such files as
non compliant with CF, but in practice I don't think the
non-compliance will have much (if any) impact.

Speak now, or forever hold your peace. (The wedding is imminent).

best regards,

On 9/12/17 8:08 AM, Whiteaker, Timothy L wrote:
Wearing my simple geometry hat: While simple geometries could
handle this case, that proposal was intended to support discrete
geospatial features such as river segments or watershed areas,
including multi-part polygons such as Hawaii and polygons with
holes such as a lake polygon with an island in the middle.  It
may be overkill for the OP's use case.

My humble opinion as a general netCDF user: Allowing missing
values seems simple and efficient for the OP's use case. My only
worry would be that this solution introduces a competing method
of encoding discrete polygons like what the simple geometries
proposal targets; this would be alleviated with proper guidance
on when to use these various solutions in the CF documentation.
I also admit my ignorance regarding prevalence of other grid
cell configurations in datasets out in the wild which the
missing value solution wouldn't cleanly support, or the impact
of the missing value solution on netCDF software libraries.


Tim Whiteaker

Research Scientist

The University of Texas at Austin

*From:*CF-metadata [] *On
Behalf Of *David Hassell
*Sent:* Monday, September 11, 2017 4:22 AM
*To:* Jonathan Gregory<>
*Cc:* CF Metadata<>
*Subject:* Re: [CF-metadata] grid cells with a varying number of
cell bounds


Coorecting an error in my last post:

On 8 September 2017 at 17:51, David Hassell
<  <>>

    Hello Karl, Jonathan, Jim,

    I also support Karl's suggested changes, with the possible
    exception of insisting that the valid bounds values always
    precede the any missing data. Whilst that is surely the easiest
    case for software to deal with, and is an attractive restriction
    to me, it that may not be how people want to do it, or have
    already done it in the past.


    I'm don't think that allowing this would not cause any more
    confusion than is already (will be!) there with the inclusion of
    simple geometries. As Jonathan points out, it would be "not
    recommended" to use simple geometries when standard bounds
    suffice. That advice easily includes standard bounds being
    allowed missing values, I think.

​I had one too many negatives in last paragraph. It should have read:​

​​I'm *DO* think that allowing this would not cause any more
confusion than is already (will be!) there with the inclusion of
simple geometries. As Jonathan points out, it would be "not
recommended" to use simple geometries when standard bounds
suffice. That advice easily includes standard bounds being
allowed missing values, I think.​


Sorry for the confusion,


    All the best,


    On 8 September 2017 at 16:24, Jonathan Gregory
    <  <>> wrote:

        Dear Karl

        I agree, other views are needed; it would be especially
        useful to hear from
        Dave Blodgett and other proposers of the simple geometries.
        Although I agree
        that what you describe is not necessarily inefficient (and in
        the case you
        mention it would be more efficient than the simple
        geometries), and it's not
        a large change to the existing convention, I do think it *is*
        a change, since
        we don't normally permit missing data in boundary variables.

        I don't have a strong preference between the methods. What
        discomforts me is
        introducing two methods for doing the same thing. If we did
        that, we should
        give some clear guidance to data-writers about which to choose.

        Of course, there is no suggestion that the simple geometries
        approach should
        replace the existing one for cells with polygons that all
        have the same number
        of vertices. Consistent with the last paragraph, I suggest
        that we should
        recommend the use of the existing convention for that case,
        rather than the
        simple geometries convention.

        Best wishes


        ----- Forwarded message from Karl Taylor <
        <>> -----

        > Date: Fri, 8 Sep 2017 07:12:06 -0700
        > From: Karl Taylor <
        >  <>
        > Subject: Re: [CF-metadata] grid cells with a varying number
        of cell bounds
        > User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.11;
        >       Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/52.2.1
        > Dear Jonathan and all,
        > Regarding the options for representing polygon cells with
        > number of sides (see below), I agree that the "simple
        > proposal can indeed handle this case. ( It of course could also
        > handle the case when all grid cells have the same number of
        > I think, however, it might be a mistake to rule out the
        > method of storing data on these grids using the old method
        with cell
        > bounds described by their vertices (without the need for
        > "containers").  Certainly, I would want to retain the current
        > treatment  when dealing with cells having the  *same* number of
        > sides.  I also favor an option to use our current method
        (which is
        > however incompletely described, as I've pointed out) to
        handle grids
        > with cells of different shapes.  All we would need to make the
        > current method well-described is to specify that the bounds
        > include "missing_values" when the number of grid cell
        vertices were
        > fewer than the maximum specified in the dimension statement
        (and the
        > missing_values would be the last ones in the bounds dimension).
        > I would point out that for at least one icosahedral grid (see
        > Heikes, R., and D. A. Randall, 1995a: Numerical integration
        of the
        > shallow-water equations on a twisted icosahedral grid. Part
        I: Basic
        > design and results of tests. /Mon. Wea. Rev.,/*123,*
        1862–1880), all
        > the grid cells except 12 are hexagons. The 12 exceptions
        come from
        > the "corners" of a cube and are pentagons. This means that
        the cell
        > bounds would contain only 12 missing_values, so not a
        > problem with wasting storage.
        > If we decide to eliminate the "old" option for handling
        these grid
        > cells, we should:
        > 1) first poll the modeling groups to see if anyone knows of any
        > attempts to use the current CF conventions to store data on
        > grids.  If not, then changing the standard won't have any real
        > consequences on legacy datasets.
        > 2)  Provide an example in the proposed section 7.5
        illustrating how
        > an icosahedral grid like the one referenced above would be
        stored. I
        > must say I think few would be able to quickly read section
        7.5 and
        > be able to successfully store CF-compliant data on such
        grids;  the
        > current method, on the other hand, is easy to understand.
        > I have no problem allowing the new method to be used, but
        wonder if
        > most users wouldn't find it easier in the case under
        > here, to interpret datasets stored with the older method?
        Hope to
        > hear other views on this.
        > best regards,
        > Karl
        > >>I certainly always envisaged the possibility of cells of
        > >>shapes, and we imply that this might be the case in the
        > >>of cell bounds with the explicit mention of "maximum":
        > >>
        > >>/"A boundary variable will have one more dimension than its
        > >>associated coordinate or auxiliary coordinate variable./ The
        > >>additional dimension should be the most rapidly varying
        one, and its
        > >>size is the maximum number of cell vertices."
        > >That's true. Nonetheless we didn't provide for it later on
        in the document!
        > >
        > >Well, now we have a choice. Dave Blodgett's proposal has
        been debated and
        > >revised over many months, and I support it in its current
        form. That is a
        > >more general solution, which allows not only mixtures of
        different sorts of
        > >polygons, but also sets of discontiguous polygons (for
        each cell), polygons
        > >with holes in them, and lines. It does not require missing
        data to be stored
        > >in the bounds, because it has a count of how many vertices
        belong to each cell.
        > >Permitting missing data in polygon bounds in sect 7.1
        would be a different
        > >way of describing a mixture of different sorts of
        polygons. Providing more
        > >than one method to do this would introduce unnecessary
        complexity. How do you
        > >and others think we should choose?
        > >
        > >

        > _______________________________________________
        > CF-metadata mailing list
        >  <>

        ----- End forwarded message -----
        CF-metadata mailing list  <>


    David Hassell
    National Centre for Atmospheric Science
    Department of Meteorology, University of Reading,
    Earley Gate, PO Box 243, Reading RG6 6BB
    Tel: +44 118 378 5613 <tel:+44%20118%20378%205613>


David Hassell
National Centre for Atmospheric Science
Department of Meteorology, University of Reading,
Earley Gate, PO Box 243, Reading RG6 6BB
Tel: +44 118 378 5613

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Daniel Neumann

Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemuende
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Daniel Neumann

Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemuende
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18119 Rostock

phone:  +49-381-5197-287
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Daniel Neumann

Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemuende
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Seestrasse 15
18119 Rostock

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