Dear Martin, David, all,

As Klaus points out, the aim of my suggestion is to make software using CF 
aware of the fact that the unit "year" is different depending on which calendar 
the model is implementing. To give an example:
If I want to know when the global average temperature has increased by 1.5C, or 
4C, above pre-industrial time in the CMIP5 ensemble I will get  answers as a 
timedelta in days. As this is not really helpful I might feel inclined to 
convert this to years, but now UDUNITS definition of year is not helpful for 
those models having a 360_day or 365_day calendar. However, with the 
calendar-aware definition of year such a calculation would be supported without 
having to deal with it manually.

Now, on to the discussion about months. Before my previous post I quickly read 
through extensive exchange on this list back in 2011, so I really appreciate 
David's comment that it is a complex subject. And that is the reason for why I 
suggested is always month is always a year / 12. So, here is an attempt to 
summarise the suggestion in a different way:

* standard and proleptic_gregorian calendars (status quo):
  o the number of days in a month is not an integer
  o same issue with respect to ordinary (western) world months.

* 365_day calendar:
  + the number of seconds in a month would change from being "ill-defined (?)" 
as 84600 * 365.242198781 / 12 = 2574957.50141, to more properly 84600 * 365 / 
12 = 2573250
  o same issue with respect to ordinary (western) world months.

* 360_calendar:
  + the number of seconds in a month would change from being "very ill-defined 
(?)" as 84600 * 365.242198781 / 12 = 2574957.50141, to more properly 84600 * 
360 / 12 = 2538000
  + the number of days in a month is an integer; 12 * 30 * 84600 = 2538000
  + the definition of a month is consistent with what is expected in the 
"360_day world"
  o same issue with respect to ordinary (western) world months.

That is, even though the suggestion certainly do not solve everything (of 
course!), the only argument against it, that I can see, is the work to tease 
out the details and implement it in software packages. As was extensively 
discussed in the 2011 threads, the real problem is the varying length of the 
western world calendar months. But that is the topic for another thread.

Kind regards,

Från: CF-metadata [] för David Blodgett 
Skickat: den 18 oktober 2018 13:58
Till: Ryan Abernathey
Ämne: Re: [CF-metadata] 'months since' and 'years since' time units

Dear Ryan, All,

I hesitate to chime in on this thread as I know just how fraught this topic can 
be, but then I think I know how fraught it can be so may have something to 
offer. My experience is at the intersection of climatological models and 
landscape models that are calibrated with "real" data. I've worked with daily 
and monthly time series model output and interpolated weather products that 
needs to match up to observations but uses a noleap or 360 calendar. It's an 
enormous pain and we as a community should do better. -- so the business case 
for taking this complexity head on is there!

One resource I've found useful over the years is the [CDM 

There are two factors at play.

1) Adding "calendar" to a udunits string avoids conversion to a number of 
shorter time increments for long time increments (e.g. seconds per month). It 
keeps things in the declared time units so you hit the precise date boundaries 
you would expect.
2) The "calendar" attribute gets you to how to interpret the datum of the time 

Especially relevant to this thread is:

  *   uniform30day or 360_day = All years are 360 days divided into 30 day 

With these two, I think the problems here are solved. However, inevitably, 
people will omit the addition attribute for calendar or fall back on normal 
"months since ..." when they actually mean "calendar months since ..." and tell 
us 'why would you interpret my data that way it makes no sense?!?' This is 
perfectly parallel to spatial coordinates where people don't declare a datum 
for their latitude/longidute coordinates. Without that information one can not 
use the information with a level of precision that some use cases require.

What I'm getting at is that CF should probably:
1) adopt enough attribute precision to fully describe what we are trying to 
2) make said attributes required or declare sensible defaults that reduce 
ambiguity when users come knocking.

That said, I've had no success pushing the community to accept that there 
should be a default lat/lon datum for software developers to go on and I would 
not doubt that the same will be true here as ambiguity and uncertainty is 
better than dead wrong in many cases. My stance is that we should all be dead 
wrong for the same reason rather than each implementor making an arbitrary 
decision so we all get different answers (more ambiguity) from our software 

All the best,


On Oct 18, 2018, at 6:08 AM, Martin Juckes - UKRI STFC 
<<>> wrote:

Hello All,

I think the UNIDATA pull request referenced Jeff 
( is mis-quoting the CF Convention. 
As far as I can see, Unidata says that a month is exactly one 12th of a year, 
and CF inherits this -- with the statement "For similar reasons the unit month, 
which is defined in udunits.dat<> 
to be exactly year/12, should also be used with caution."

I can't see the difference between Lars's suggestion and the status quo. In 
UNIDATA a day is clearly defined as "period of time equal to 24 hours", which 
gives 84600 seconds.


From: CF-metadata 
<<>> on 
behalf of Bärring Lars <<>>
Sent: 18 October 2018 09:29:50
To: Ryan Abernathey;<>;<>
Subject: Re: [CF-metadata] 'months since' and 'years since' time units


I have have come to think about this from a somewhat different perspective. For 
some analyses, as well as when calculating certain derived climatological 
statistics (aka climate indices), using datasets based on different calendars 
the problem becomes obvious.

In the model world of a 365-day GCM one year _is_ 365 days, and in a 360_day 
GCM a year _is_ 360 days. In the case of a gregorian/standard calendar GCM I am 
not sure whether it is 365.25 or 365.242198781 but this is in practice less of 
a problem.

For datasets based non-standard calendars imposing the current UDUNITS 
definition of a year leads to complications that require workarounds if one is 
interested in for example the time elapsed until something happens or the 
duration of some (long-lasting) events. One way to partly mitigate these issues 
would be to use the time unit of years_since_START or months_since_START, but 
this is warned against in the CF Conventions and may software tools do not 
support it .

The fundamental issue is the inconsistency between the GCM year and the UDUNITS 
year. So I would like to call on the wisdom of this list to see whether the CF 
Convention could include a modification to the definition of a year and month:

* standard calendar (no change)
1 day = 84600 seconds
1 year = 365.242198781 days
1 month = 365.242198781 / 12 days

* 365_day calendar
1 day = 84600 seconds
1 year = 365 days
1 month = 365 / 12 days

* 360_day calendar
1 day = 84600 seconds
1 year = 360 days
1 month = 360 / 12 days

That is, the seconds per day ratio is not changed thus maintaining the 
consistency to other SI units. And, for the 360_day calendar month follows the 
suggestion by Ryan and Jeffrey.

Kind regards,

Lars Bärring

FDr, Forskare
PhD, Research Scientist

SMHI  /  Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute
Rossby Centre
Tel / Phone: +46 (0)11 495 8604
Fax: +46 (0)11 495 8001
Besöksadress / Visiting address: Folkborgsvägen 17
Från: CF-metadata 
[<>] för 
Ryan Abernathey [<>]
Skickat: den 17 oktober 2018 21:22
Ämne: Re: [CF-metadata] 'months since' and 'years since' time units

Hi everyone,

I am that user, and I'm new to this mailing list. Thank you all for your work 
on CF conventions. It's such a valuable effort!

I want to note that this was inspired by the proliferation of datasets in the 
wild that use "month" as their units. For example, nearly all of the IRI Data 
Library does this, in conjunction with a 3"60_day" calendar (example:

My impression from talking to data providers is that no one is using "360_day" 
calendar and "months" as units, and then expecting "months" to be interpreted 
as 365.242198781/12 days. They all expect it to be interpreted as 30 days. 
While there are various workarounds that can be used at different levels of the 
software stack, the best solution, IMHO, is to explicitly allow in CF 
conventions what Jeff proposed: "months and years be interpreted as calendar 
months and years for those calendars where they have a fixed length". I don't 
think this will break existing applications.


On Wed, Oct 17, 2018 at 3:06 PM Jeffrey Whitaker 
Hi:  I'm a developer of the 'cftime' python package 
(  A user submitted a pull request 
( that implements support for a 
30-day calendar month time unit for the '360_day' CF calendar.  Although using 
a 'month' time unit is a tricky proposition in general, for this calendar it 
seems straightforward since every month has the same length.  However, in the 
discussion of the pull request it was pointed out that CF expects  that "the 
value of the units attribute is a string that can be recognized by UNIDATA’s 
Udunits package", and that UDUNITS defines a month as 365.242198781/12 days.    
My question is this - is it reasonable for our python package to make an 
exception to this rule for the 360_day calendar?  More generally, can months 
and years be interpreted as calendar months and years for those calendars where 
they have a fixed length, or will this deviate from the existing CF conventions 
and break existing applications?

Regards, Jeff

Jeffrey S. Whitaker
325 Broadway, Boulder, CO, 80305-3328
Phone: (303)497-6313
FAX: (303)497-6449

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