With that fix, I'm happy with Jonathan's suggestion.

On 5/9/19 10:03 AM, Jonathan Gregory wrote:
> Actually it should be northward_wind, not northward_velocity.
> ----- Forwarded message from Jonathan Gregory <j.m.greg...@reading.ac.uk-----
> Date: Thu, 9 May 2019 18:02:32 +0100
> Dear Martin et al.
> Is it sum_x (v'(x) T'(x)) where v'=v-avg_x(v), similarly for T, and x is
> longitude? In that case I think it would be neat to describe it as a
> covariance, which like "product" doesn't attribute a physical meaning to it.
> Could it be called
>    covariance_over_longitude_of_northward_velocity_and_air_temperature
> where the (important) fact that it is calculated on pressure levels can be
> adequately indicated by its having a coordinate of pressure, I think. The
> same quantity could be computed on other sorts of levels.
> Best wishes
> Jonathan
> ----- Forwarded message from Martin Juckes - UKRI STFC 
> <martin.juc...@stfc.ac.uk> -----
>> PS: Michaela sent another suggestion while I was composing that email:
>> covariance_of_northward_velocity_and_temperature .. which could work, though 
>> I think it would need a prefix of "zonal_isobaric".
>> regards,
>> Martin
>> ________________________________
>> From: Juckes, Martin (STFC,RAL,RALSP)
>> Sent: 08 May 2019 09:55
>> To: CF-metadata (cf-metadata@cgd.ucar.edu)
>> Cc: Plummer, David (EC); David Neubauer; sen...@meteo.fr; RIGOUDY Gaelle; 
>> Michael Schulz; Michaela Hegglin; Taylor, Karl E.
>> Subject: Standard name of isobaric zonal mean eddy meridional temperature 
>> advection
>> Hello All,
>> For AerChemMIP we need a new standard name for a quantity which is the 
>> isobaric zonal mean of the eddy meridional temperature advection. That is, 
>> the mean wrt. longitude of the product of v' and T', where v' and T' are the 
>> eddy meridional velocity and air temperature respectively and "eddy" denotes 
>> the departure from the isobaric zonal mean. The units should be "K m s-1"
>> This is related to two existing terms:
>>    1.  northward_heat_flux_in_air_due_to_eddy_advection  [W m-2]
>>    2.  product_of_northward_wind_and_air_temperature  [K m s-1]
>> The first of these involves the eddy advection, but includes a factor of 
>> density and the specific heat constant. Since density is spatially varying, 
>> (1) can not be directly converted to the term we want, though there is an 
>> approximate relationship.
>> The second specifies the product, but without reference to the eddies.
>> The term "eddy_advection" occurs in 38 existing terms, always in the form 
>> "...._due_to_[...]eddy_advection", describing the part of some process which 
>> can be attributed to some kind of eddy advection.  In this case we want a 
>> term for the eddy advection itself.
>> In some preliminary discussion we have the following ideas:
>> (1) 
>> northward_heat_flux_expressed_as_temperature_flux_in_air_due_to_eddy_advection
>>  -- staying close to the existing heat flux term;
>> (2) northward_temperature_flux_in_air_due_to_eddy_advection -- more 
>> descriptive
>> (3) Karl has suggested terms based on "product_of_...", to avoid the use of 
>> "temperature flux", because the notion of "flux" sits uncomfortably with a 
>> non-conservative quantity like temperature.
>> In reviewing the use of "eddy_advection" in existing terms, I can see that 
>> the nature of the eddy advection is clearly defined in 27 of them, and the 
>> heat flux term above is the only one for which the user is left to guess. 
>> The standard interpretation would be as a departure from the isobaric zonal 
>> mean, but that is not spelled out in the standard name.
>> Combining some of the ideas from Karl and Michaela (suggestion 2 above), I 
>> think we could use:
>>    *   northward_isobaric_zonal_mean_eddy_advection_of_air_temperature
>> This differs from Karl's suggestions in using "eddy_advection" rather than 
>> trying to adapt "product_of" to deal with this use case.
>> The phrase "isobaric_zonal_mean_eddy_advection" would be defined as the 
>> zonal mean advection by eddies defined as the departure from the 
>> instantaneous isobaric zonal mean of the velocity and the advected quantity.
>> I'm submitting this on behalf of the group, so please consider comments by 
>> Karl and Michaela below. The discussion is still quite open, but I think it 
>> is better to engage with the CF list at this stage (the definition of the 
>> term we want to represent is clear).
>> regards,
>> Martin
>> ________________________________
>> From: Taylor, Karl E. <taylo...@llnl.gov>
>> Sent: 07 May 2019 23:15
>> To: Michaela Hegglin; Juckes, Martin (STFC,RAL,RALSP)
>> Cc: Plummer, David (EC); David Neubauer; sen...@meteo.fr; RIGOUDY Gaelle; 
>> Michael Schulz
>> Subject: Re: vt100
>> I just noticed that there is a standard_name
>> "product_of_northward_wind_and_air_temperature".  Perhaps this could be
>> modified to something indicating we're only considering the "eddy"
>> component, e.g.,
>> "eddy_component_of_product_of_northward_wind_and_air_temperature" or
>> "product_of_northward_wind_and_air_temperature_eddy_components" or
>> eddy_associated_product_of_northward_wind_and_air_temperature".
>> best,
>> Karl
>> On 5/7/19 2:23 AM, Michaela Hegglin wrote:
>>> Hi Martin, Karl,
>>> I got some more input from the DynVarMIP people on this too and Martin has 
>>> analysed this correctly.
>>> It seems that v’T’ * c_p * \rho would give us the correct units in [W/m^2]. 
>>>  The c_p factor is trivial, but the density isn't. Since it is requested on 
>>> a specific pressure level, it would depend only on the temperature at 100 
>>> hPa: \rho = 10^4 Pa/RT.  This does add some nonlinearity.  To do it 
>>> properly, you’d need the account for variations in \rho (T) in time and 
>>> space.
>>> Hence, would it be possible to keep the calculation as it is done by most 
>>> researchers as v’T’ and rename the variable to
>>> northward_temperature_flux_in_air_due_to_eddy_advection with units of [m K 
>>> s-1].
>>> Also, by “eddy_advection”,  people do mean deviations from the 
>>> instantaneous zonal mean.
>>> If it doesn’t sound like changing the name is a good idea, we could simply 
>>> change the units to [K m s-1], and explain that v’T’ was intended?
>>> This is what people expect to deliver for this variable as Gaelle’s case 
>>> shows too.
>>> Michaela
>>>> On 7 May 2019, at 09:30, Martin Juckes - UKRI STFC 
>>>> <martin.juc...@stfc.ac.uk> wrote:
>>>> Hi Karl,
>>>> It would need a new standard name .. perhaps :
>>>> northward_heat_flux_expressed_as_temperature_flux_in_air_due_to_eddy_advection
>>>> -- this is the current name with "_expressed_as_temperature_flux" 
>>>> inserted. It would make it clear that it is closely related to 
>>>> northward_heat_flux_in_air_due_to_eddy_advection, but also provide the 
>>>> necessary level of detail for CF.
>>>> The relationship between the two is not a simple transformation of units: 
>>>> you need to make an assumption about the density and heat capacity of the 
>>>> air (if this is done after the fact it will, I believe, involve some 
>>>> degree of approximation).
>>>> regards,
>>>> Martin
>>>> ________________________________
>>>> From: Taylor, Karl E. <taylo...@llnl.gov>
>>>> Sent: 06 May 2019 16:34
>>>> To: Plummer, David (EC); Michaela Hegglin; Juckes, Martin (STFC,RAL,RALSP)
>>>> Cc: David Neubauer; sen...@meteo.fr; RIGOUDY Gaelle; Michael Schulz
>>>> Subject: Re: vt100
>>>> Hi Martin,
>>>> It appears to me that perhaps more important than the inconsistency
>>>> between standard_name and units, is the issue of whether or not to
>>>> remove an instantaneous zonal-mean or a local time mean (or perhaps
>>>> operate without removing any sort of mean).  Since the heat flux is
>>>> simply the temperture flux scaled by the specific heat of air at
>>>> constant pressure with a value of about 1000 J kg-1 K-1, users can
>>>> probably guess whether heat flux or temperature flux is actually being
>>>> reported and correct for it.  Users will not generally be able to guess
>>>> whether deviations from some mean or full quantities are used in
>>>> calculated the products.
>>>> Since vt100 is used for a fairly specific "aerochem" diagnostic, I think
>>>> they should decide what they *really* want (and need for their
>>>> analysis).  Then I think we should make an exception to our rule
>>>> (because the science apparently demands it) and modify the data request
>>>> to reflect this.  If there is any way we can do this without changing
>>>> the current standard_name for vt100, that would certainly be best
>>>> because then all data would be searched for using the same standard
>>>> name.  The units would be inconsistent for some already written data
>>>> sets, but errata could be recorded by es-docs for those models
>>>> indicating the error in units.
>>>> best regards,
>>>> Karl
>>>> On 5/4/19 3:28 PM, Plummer, David (EC) wrote:
>>>>> Hi Michaela
>>>>>     I'll admit to being a bit out of my depth on stratopheric dynamics, 
>>>>> but from a practical standpoint looking at our diagnostic codes that were 
>>>>> developed by Charles McLandress we calculate the eddy meridional heat 
>>>>> flux as the product of the instantaneous deviations around the 
>>>>> instantaneous zonal average of the meridional velocity and temperature. 
>>>>> The end product is the zonal and monthly average of this product. This 
>>>>> calculation does agree with the description of V'T' in the literature 
>>>>> where the primes are used to denote deviations around the zonal mean.
>>>>>    Note that the MIP table for CCMI, which derives from the CCMVal data 
>>>>> request, has the following comment:    Zonally averaged meridional heat 
>>>>> flux at 100 hPa as monthly means derived from daily (or higher frequency) 
>>>>> fields
>>>>>     It is really important that the sampling be daily or better because 
>>>>> you want to capture the meridional advection of temperature by transient 
>>>>> eddies.
>>>>>     It is one of the terms in the Transformed Eulerian Mean (TEM) 
>>>>> calculation of the stratospheric residual circulation and the value at 
>>>>> 100 hPa is usually seen as a proxy for the total amount of planetary wave 
>>>>> drag entering the stratosphere. Chapter 4 of the CCMVal report, 
>>>>> Stratospheric Dynamics, used the term 'eddy meridional heat flux' and 
>>>>> referenced a paper by Newman et al. (2001) where this term is referred to 
>>>>> similarly. I have also seen a few articles in the literature where it is 
>>>>> referred to as the 'temperature flux', so that term is not unknown.
>>>>>         David
>>>>> ________________________________________
>>>>> From: Michaela Hegglin <m.i.hegg...@reading.ac.uk>
>>>>> Sent: May 4, 2019 6:23 AM
>>>>> To: Martin Juckes - UKRI STFC; Plummer, David (EC)
>>>>> Cc: Taylor Karl; David Neubauer; sen...@meteo.fr; RIGOUDY Gaelle; Michael 
>>>>> Schulz
>>>>> Subject: Re: vt100
>>>>> Hi all again,
>>>>> Indeed, our community was lax about the notation and commonly used 'heat 
>>>>> flux’ instead of the more correct term ’temperature flux’ (K m s-1), 
>>>>> which is a measure for wave activity. The units should remain [K m s-1]. 
>>>>> However, how to get the variable I am still not clear about. Hence, I 
>>>>> have copied in David Plummer who may be able to tell us what it is 
>>>>> exactly what was calculated in CCMVal for the temperature flux (whether 
>>>>> v’T’ or v’*T’ in fact as Martin says below). Then we have clear 
>>>>> instructions and should find the right notation for it.
>>>>> Thanks for looking into this,
>>>>> Michaela
>>>>>> On 3 May 2019, at 15:47, Martin Juckes - UKRI STFC 
>>>>>> <martin.juc...@stfc.ac.uk> wrote:
>>>>>> Hello Karl,
>>>>>> do you have an idea what to do about this?
>>>>>> The variable "vt100" has long name "Northward Heat Flux Due to Eddies",
>>>>>> standard name: "northward_heat_flux_in_air_due_to_eddy_advection" and 
>>>>>> units "W m-2".
>>>>>> AerChemMIP, who requested the variable, really wanted a meridional 
>>>>>> temperature flux (units "K m s-1") and at least one group (CNRM) has 
>>>>>> submitted temperature flux data with metadata as above saying it is a 
>>>>>> heat flux.
>>>>>> At the moment only two groups have published vt100 data (CNRM and IPSL), 
>>>>>> but it is likely that many more have produced the data and are in the 
>>>>>> process of preparing it for publication.
>>>>>> Michaela has suggested an "errata" for the data request, but I don't 
>>>>>> think this helps: if we decide to make a change, the easiest approach 
>>>>>> would be to update the request. The only reason for not doing this is 
>>>>>> that we have committed to not changing the definitions of variables -- 
>>>>>> but that is a significant reason.
>>>>>> regards,
>>>>>> Martin
>>>>>> ________________________________
>>>>>> From: Michaela Hegglin <m.i.hegg...@reading.ac.uk>
>>>>>> Sent: 02 May 2019 16:23
>>>>>> To: Michael Schulz
>>>>>> Cc: Juckes, Martin (STFC,RAL,RALSP); Taylor Karl; David Neubauer; 
>>>>>> sen...@meteo.fr; RIGOUDY Gaelle
>>>>>> Subject: Re: vt100
>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>> Thank you, Gaelle, for this helpful and important information.
>>>>>> My rather limited understanding is that the fields that were defined and 
>>>>>> produced in CCMI could be converted in Wm-2 by integration of the fields 
>>>>>> involving air density and the heat capacity (cp), however, this would 
>>>>>> not be the fields that users would look for nor would know of how to 
>>>>>> use/interpret/compare to old studies easily.
>>>>>> So, yes, Martin, if there is a way to remedy the problem with leaving 
>>>>>> the units but changing the standard name (or by putting a caveat around 
>>>>>> that variable used in CMIP6) that would be great…
>>>>>> Michaela
>>>>>>> On 2 May 2019, at 16:12, Michael Schulz <micha...@met.no> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Martin,
>>>>>>> I understand, sorry that this slipped our attention.
>>>>>>> for curiosity - what happens now? Shouldnt there be some log on errors 
>>>>>>> in the data request?
>>>>>>> Or would you add a specific clarification to the data request that this 
>>>>>>> variable has been specified with an incompatible unit and standard name?
>>>>>>> best wishes
>>>>>>> Michael
>>>>>>>> On 30 Apr 2019, at 13:44, Martin Juckes - UKRI STFC 
>>>>>>>> <martin.juc...@stfc.ac.uk> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hello Michaela, Michael,
>>>>>>>> I'm afraid that is not consistent with the CF Convention. The standard 
>>>>>>>> name "northward_heat_flux_in_air_due_to_eddy_advection" is for a heat 
>>>>>>>> flux, so it needs to have units of "W m-2".
>>>>>>>> It looks as though the term was declared in the CCMI tables with an 
>>>>>>>> invalid combination of "units" and "standard_name". In the CMIP6 
>>>>>>>> request, the "units" have been modified to be consistent with the 
>>>>>>>> "standard_name".
>>>>>>>> The variable "vt100" has already been published in CMIP6 (with units 
>>>>>>>> "W m-2") by IPSL and CNRM, Stéphane Senesi or Gaëlle Rigoudy (copied 
>>>>>>>> in) might be able to comment on how they did this (the question is: 
>>>>>>>> what factor is used to convert v*t into a heat flux? (see, for 
>>>>>>>> example, 
>>>>>>>> https://esg1.umr-cnrm.fr/thredds/dodsC/CMIP6_CNRM/CMIP/CNRM-CERFACS/CNRM-ESM2-1/amip/r1i1p1f2/AERmonZ/vt100/grz/v20181205/vt100_AERmonZ_CNRM-ESM2-1_amip_r1i1p1f2_grz_197901-201412.nc.html).
>>>>>>>> If this issue had come up earlier we could have changed the standard 
>>>>>>>> name and the units ... but we have promised modeling centres not to 
>>>>>>>> change the definitions of variables (beyond clarifications) at this 
>>>>>>>> stage.
>>>>>>>> regards,
>>>>>>>> Martin
>>>>>>>> ________________________________
>>>>>>>> From: Michaela Hegglin <m.i.hegg...@reading.ac.uk>
>>>>>>>> Sent: 30 April 2019 10:30
>>>>>>>> To: Michael Schulz
>>>>>>>> Cc: Juckes, Martin (STFC,RAL,RALSP); Neubauer David
>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: vt100
>>>>>>>> Hi again,
>>>>>>>> Here more information from David Plummer, I got the units wrong in my 
>>>>>>>> previous email.
>>>>>>>> Hope this helps,
>>>>>>>> Michaela
>>>>>>>> variable_entry:    vt100
>>>>>>>> !============
>>>>>>>> modeling_realm:     atmos
>>>>>>>> !----------------------------------
>>>>>>>> ! Variable attributes:
>>>>>>>> !----------------------------------
>>>>>>>> standard_name:     northward_heat_flux_in_air_due_to_eddy_advection
>>>>>>>> units:             K m s-1
>>>>>>>> cell_methods:      time: mean longitude: mean
>>>>>>>> long_name:         Meridional Heat Flux
>>>>>>>> comment:           Zonally averaged meridional heat flux at 100 hPa as 
>>>>>>>> monthly means derived from daily (or higher frequency) fields.
>>>>>>>> !----------------------------------
>>>>>>>> ! Additional variable information:
>>>>>>>> !----------------------------------
>>>>>>>> dimensions:        longitude latitude time pr100
>>>>>>>> type:              real
>>>>>>>> valid_min:         -1000.0
>>>>>>>> valid_max:         1000.0
>>>>>>>> !----------------------------------
>>>>>>>> It is the zonal average of the product of V' x T', where the prime is 
>>>>>>>> the deviation around the zonal average. So the units you get are just 
>>>>>>>> windspeed (m s-1) times temperature (K) -> K m s-1.
>>>>>>>> ********************************************
>>>>>>>> Michaela I. Hegglin
>>>>>>>> Associate Professor in Atmospheric Chemistry
>>>>>>>> Department of Meteorology
>>>>>>>> University of Reading
>>>>>>>> Lyle Building, 302A
>>>>>>>> Reading, RG6 6BX, UK
>>>>>>>> email      m.i.hegg...@reading.ac.uk<mailto:m.i.hegg...@reading.ac.uk>
>>>>>>>> phone +44 (0)118 378 6693
>>>>>>>> fax           +44 (0)118 378 8905
>>>>>>>> ********************************************
>>>>>>>> On 29 Apr 2019, at 12:56, Michael Schulz 
>>>>>>>> <micha...@met.no<mailto:micha...@met.no>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Michaela,
>>>>>>>> Can you explain how this vt 100 is calculated?
>>>>>>>> Its a ccmi variable in AerChemMIP...
>>>>>>>> See below,
>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>> Michael
>>>>>>>> ------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht ------
>>>>>>>> Von: Neubauer David 
>>>>>>>> <david.neuba...@env.ethz.ch<mailto:david.neuba...@env.ethz.ch>>
>>>>>>>> Datum: Mo. 29. Apr. 2019 um 11:11
>>>>>>>> Betreff: RE: vt100
>>>>>>>> An: Martin Juckes - UKRI STFC 
>>>>>>>> <martin.juc...@stfc.ac.uk<mailto:martin.juc...@stfc.ac.uk>>, Michael 
>>>>>>>> Schulz <micha...@met.no<mailto:micha...@met.no>>
>>>>>>>> Cc: Ferrachat Sylvaine 
>>>>>>>> <sylvaine.ferrac...@env.ethz.ch<mailto:sylvaine.ferrac...@env.ethz.ch>>
>>>>>>>> Hi Michael and Martin,
>>>>>>>> we would like to start our simulations soon. Therefore we would need 
>>>>>>>> to know possible pre-factors of  "vt100". Thank you for any help you 
>>>>>>>> can provide.
>>>>>>>> Kind regards,
>>>>>>>> David
>>>>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>>>> From: Martin Juckes - UKRI STFC 
>>>>>>>>>> [mailto:martin.juc...@stfc.ac.uk<mailto:martin.juc...@stfc.ac.uk>]
>>>>>>>>>> Sent: Freitag, 12. April 2019 17:10
>>>>>>>>>> To: Michael Schulz
>>>>>>>>>> Cc: Neubauer David
>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Fw: vt100
>>>>>>>>>> Hello Michael,
>>>>>>>>>> Can you help with David's question below about the precise 
>>>>>>>>>> definition of
>>>>>>>>>> the "vt100" variable requested by AerChemMIP?
>>>>>>>>>> regards,
>>>>>>>>>> Martin
>>>>>>>>>> ________________________________
>>>>>>>>>> From: Neubauer David 
>>>>>>>>>> <david.neuba...@env.ethz.ch<mailto:david.neuba...@env.ethz.ch>>
>>>>>>>>>> Sent: 12 April 2019 15:39
>>>>>>>>>> To: Juckes, Martin (STFC,RAL,RALSP)
>>>>>>>>>> Cc: Ferrachat Sylvaine
>>>>>>>>>> Subject: vt100
>>>>>>>>>> Dear Martin,
>>>>>>>>>> In the CMIP6 data request it is written that the units for the 
>>>>>>>>>> variable vt100
>>>>>>>>>> (AERmonZ) should be [W m-2]. However, computing the zonal average of
>>>>>>>>>> the product of the zonal average departures of v and t has the units 
>>>>>>>>>> [m s-1
>>>>>>>>>> K-1]. By which factors should this product be multiplied to obtain 
>>>>>>>>>> the zonally
>>>>>>>>>> meridional averaged heat flux?
>>>>>>>>>> Thank you in advance for any help you can provide.
>>>>>>>>>> Kind regards,
>>>>>>>>>> David
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> Dr. David Neubauer
>>>>>>>>>> ETH Zurich
>>>>>>>>>> Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science Universitaetstrasse 
>>>>>>>>>> 16, CHN
>>>>>>>>>> P17.2
>>>>>>>>>> 8092 Zurich, Switzerland
>>>>>>>>>> phone: +41 44 632 74 26
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