Dear Tom

That's interesting. I did not know or had forgotten about that Unidata
recommendation. CF doesn't allow string-valued coordinate variables (with
the same name as any of their dimensions), only string-valued auxiliary
coordinate variables.

Best wishes


----- Forwarded message from Tom Evans <> -----

> Date: Tue, 9 Jul 2019 23:08:46 +0000
> From: Tom Evans <>
> To: Jonathan Gregory <>
> Subject: RE: [CF-metadata] Indices or Labels as Coordinate Variables
> Dear Jonathan
> Thanks very much for your response. It really did help me understand the use 
> of coordinate values. In particular, your suggestion that an auxiliary 
> coordinate variable (with a different name from the dimension) could be 
> listed in the coordinate attribute of a variable is very helpful. It produces 
> exactly the behaviour I'd look for in Panoply, for example.
> I have a follow-up question, if you don't mind:
> The Best Practices page at the Unidata site also mentions a "string-valued 
> coordinate variable," which has the same name as its first dimension, e.g.
>    char location(location, loc_len)
> where loc_len is the length of a text label for the location. The CF 
> specification mentions a "string-valued auxiliary coordinate variable" -- 
> something like
>    char location_name(location, loc_len)
> if I'm following this correctly -- which could also be used as a coordinate 
> in the attribute -- but it doesn't say anything about a string-valued 
> variable with the same name as a dimension. I also haven't found any examples 
> that use string-valued coordinate variables named the same as a dimension. 
> Would such a variable risk conflict or confusion with the assumptions of 
> applicactions designed to work with CF-compliant data?
> Cheers
> Tom Evans
> [cid:image702fcb.PNG@5e3232e3.49822ae5]<>
> Dr Tom Evans
> Software Developer
> T +64-7-859-1832
> National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research Ltd (NIWA)
> Gate 10 Silverdale Road, Hillcrest, Hamilton
> Connect with NIWA:<> 
> Facebook<> 
> Twitter<> 
> LinkedIn<> 
> Instagram<>
> To ensure compliance with legal requirements and to maintain cyber security 
> standards, NIWA's IT systems are subject to ongoing monitoring, activity 
> logging and auditing. This monitoring and auditing service may be provided by 
> third parties. Such third parties can access information transmitted to, 
> processed by and stored on NIWA's IT systems.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: CF-metadata <> On Behalf Of Jonathan 
> Gregory
> Sent: Tuesday, 9 July 2019 12:42 AM
> To:
> Subject: [CF-metadata] Indices or Labels as Coordinate Variables
> Dear Tom
> It would be a coordinate variable if it's location(location) and in that case
> its values have to be unique and monotonic because generic applications
> may make that assumption when plotting or doing computations with them. If
> these are really labels then those operations don't really make sense anyway.
> In that case it would be more suitable to store the IDs in an auxiliary
> coordinate variable, which doesn't have the same name as the dimension, and
> is listed in the coordinates attribute of the data variable. Values in aux
> coord variables do not have to be unique or monotonic or even numeric. It is
> not mandatory to include a coordinate variable (in the Unidata sense).
> Best wishes
> Jonathan
> ----- Forwarded message from Tom Evans <> -----
> > Date: Mon, 8 Jul 2019 01:51:19 +0000
> > From: Tom Evans <>
> > To: "" <>
> > Subject: [CF-metadata] Indices or Labels as Coordinate Variables
> >
> > I have a question regarding coordinate variables:
> >
> > I am working with time-series data representing hydrological conditions at 
> > fixed locations in a stream network. The values are generated by a model at 
> > regular time intervals, and I believe that the data will fit well into the 
> > timeSeries feature type described in the "Discrete Sampling Geometries" 
> > chapter of the CF conventions. For example, we would put all the discharge 
> > values into a single 2D array:
> >
> >     double flow(time, location)
> >
> > The dimension "location" here is the "instance dimension" described in the 
> > convention.
> >
> > I would like to use an integer variable named "location" as a coordinate 
> > variable to go along with the location dimension. I think this would 
> > provide a handy way for post-processing programs to locate a time series in 
> > our model result files. The Best Practices guidance on the Unidata website, 
> > though, says that coordinate variables "must be strictly monotonic" and the 
> > order of the IDs in my location variable is arbitrary. All of the location 
> > values are unique, but the location numbers are essentially numerical 
> > labels - location 1524 is distinct from location 2817, but neither is 
> > greater than the other in a way that means anything to the model. Location 
> > IDs do not consistently increase or decrease traveling downstream, for 
> > example.
> >
> > So, is the guidance that coordinate variable should strictly increase or 
> > decrease relevant to my case? I've built some sample files and examined 
> > them using Panoply, and in Python using xarray. I haven't seen any problems 
> > with using non-monotonic integer "ID numbers" as coordinate variables, but 
> > that "must" in the guidance troubles me. If my locations are identified by 
> > arbitrary numbers, do I run the risk of scrambling the links between my 
> > time series and their identifiers?
> >
> > Thanks
> > Tom Evans
> >
> >
> >
> > [cid:image9ef98c.PNG@58bab801.4bad83a3]<>
> >
> >
> > Dr Tom Evans
> > Software Developer
> > T +64-7-859-1832
> >
> > National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research Ltd (NIWA)
> > Gate 10 Silverdale Road, Hillcrest, Hamilton
> > Connect with NIWA:<> 
> > Facebook<> 
> > Twitter<> 
> > LinkedIn<> 
> > Instagram<>
> >
> > To ensure compliance with legal requirements and to maintain cyber security 
> > standards, NIWA's IT systems are subject to ongoing monitoring, activity 
> > logging and auditing. This monitoring and auditing service may be provided 
> > by third parties. Such third parties can access information transmitted to, 
> > processed by and stored on NIWA's IT systems.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > CF-metadata mailing list
> >
> >
> ----- End forwarded message -----
> _______________________________________________
> CF-metadata mailing list

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