The background of my question is that the IOOS Compliance Checker [1,2] identifies 2D or 3D grids as individual feature types (lines 7001 to 1708 in [3]) and throws an error. Although I find it reasonable to forbid the combination of regularly gridded and e.g. trajectory data in one file, I would not interprete the CF Conventions in this sense.


Am 09.10.2019 um 15:20 schrieb Jim Biard:
Good question, Daniel!

On 10/9/19 7:37 AM, Daniel Neumann wrote:
Dear List,

If data in a file is of a specific feature type (time series, trajectory, ...), only one feature type is allowed per file (Chapter 9.1. Features and feature types). Regularly gridded data (not ragged) has no feature type. Is it allowed to have gridded data and data of one feature type in a single file? Or is gridded data considered to have an implicit feature type?

It might be reasonable to keep these two types of data separated in different files to prevent misinterpretation of the one or other variable. However, I cannot find a passage in the CF Conventions that explicitly prohibits it.


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