>Is CFSCRIPT faster than regular coldfusion coding or is it just easier to
>write so you can get something done faster?

Yes. :)

I can't remember exactly where I saw the article (I could've sworn it was in
Fusion Authority WNA somewhere, but I couldn't find it this morning), but if
I recall correctly, CFScript was faster from a performance standpoint if you
were evaluating more than one or two variables in a row using the CFSet
<cfSet fred='barney'>
<cfSet foo='bar'>
<cfSet gargle='blaster'>
... was said to be slower than:

...and so on and so forth.  I use it for as much procedural code as I can;
it's got all the looping functions, case/switch functionality, and (to the
eye of this long-time Perl junkie), it's a lot cleaner. :)


Brandon Whitaker
"It'll get used by the same people using Opera.  People dressed in black
wearing berets."
- Dave Watts, on Mozilla
"The net interprets censorship as damage and routes around it."
- John Gilmore

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