At 02:10 PM 3/29/00 -0800, you wrote:
>On the other hand, who says that they all have problems with it? Maybe only
>Cold Fusion does. Unless someone's tried them all, I don't think you can say
>one way or the other who's problem it is, but I do think that Allaire is the
>ones who would need to fix it. As well as each of the others. You don't have
>to use the MS Encryption (I don't see why you would need to), but if you do,
>you have to use products that work with it. It is not up to MS to make sure
>their technology works with other programming languages unless they said the
>encryption process is for use with them. That's like saying MS has to make
>drivers for Windows 2000 for all of your hardware. They don't. The hardware
>manufacturer should make the drivers for windows 2000 if they want their
>hardware to work in Windows2000. MS has done an awesome job of making sure
>most stuff works, but I've read too many hardware sites that say, "MS has a
>pretty good driver for our hardware and although it could be better, we
>aren't going to bother making a new one".

Actually, sounds like CF 4.5 does work with W2K encryption.  CF reports 
that it cant' read the file.  That's because it's encrypted.  File 
encryption is supposed to make the files unreadable except by the 
encrypting/unencrypting program.  Wordpad can normally read .cfm files, but 
if you use CF's code encryption, Wordpad can no longer open the files.  No 
one seems to be complaining about that, it works as it's supposed to.  Why 
is anyone complaining about W2K file encryption not being able to be undone 
by other programs?

(who is in a contrary mood offense intended to anyone)

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