I don't think that the form object in ie4 has an onClick method, the button does.

Also (and this is just a style thing) I think I'd break the onClick into a seperate 
function like this:

function SetAction(oForm, sAction){
  oForm.action = sAction;
function SetActionAndSubmit(oForm, sAction){
  SetAction(oForm, sAction);

<INPUT TYPE="Button" VALUE="&lt;&lt;&nbsp;Top" Name="Top" 
onClick="SetActionAndSubmit(this.form, 'search.cfm?cStartLot=Top');">
<INPUT TYPE="Button" VALUE="&gt;&gt;&nbsp;Bottom" Name="Bottom" 
onClick="SetActionAndSubmit(this.form, 'search.cfm?cStartLot=Bottom');">

A bit more readable?


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 03/31/00 08:53AM >>>
Can any of you javascript gurus out there lend a helping hand ???

This works in netscape 4.x, but fails in i.e. 4 with a message that says :

"object doesn't support this property or method."

It looks like it's failing on the semi-colon after the word top

Changing the type from button to submit, makes the onclick "work", but the 
cstartlot does not get passed onto the next page.

fyi, there will be 3 or 4 of these buttons in the form, each with a 
different startlot that needs to be passed onto search.cfm.

<INPUT TYPE="Button"

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