    Oops .. sorry about that all .. I should pay more attention ;)

I have many domain names pointing to one IP address.  At that IP address, I
have one main site with sub-directories that contain the sites of the other
domain names I have pointed to it.  What I would like to do is determine
what domain name/URL my visitors are coming in on, and redirect them to the
appropriate sub-folder.  I know this can be done with ASP using VBScript ..
for example, consider the following conditions:

case1 - they are coming in on www.domain1.com
case2 - they are coming in on www.domain2.com
case3 - they are coming in on www.maindomain.com

<!--- begin ASP code --->

<script language="VBScript">
    sname = Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME")
    sname = ucase(sname)
    if InStr(sname,"DOMAIN1") <> 0 then
        response.redirect "domain1/file.cfm"
    elseif InStr(sname,"DOMAIN2") <> 0 then
        response.redirect "domain2/file.cfm"
        response.redirect "rootfile.cfm"
    end if

<!--- end ASP code --->

Unfortunately, there is a bug in IE that causes an error when you have
VBScript and JavaScript in the same ASP page, or something like that, so
this doesn't exactly work in my situation.  Besides, I would really like to
keep different technologies as separate as possible.  Does anyone know of a
strictly CF solution?  If not, and this is OT, sorry, but can anyone give me
*any* working solution?



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