I have been trying to set up a username and password login, which is 
working okay, except for the "failed login" scenario.  The <cfif> tag does
execute the <cflocation> tag for a failed login (ie. query.recordcount is
0).  I'm lost as to why.  Here's my code (called from a previous template
form supplying the username and password variables): 

<cfquery datasource="fln" name="CheckLogin"> 
SELECT UserID, Username, Password, FirstName, LastName 
FROM User 
<cfif Username is not "">Username='#Username#'</cfif> AND 
<cfif Password is not "">Password='#Password#')</cfif> 
<cfoutput query="CheckLogin" maxrows=1> 
<cfif CheckLogin.recordcount is 0> 
        <cflocation url="login.cfm?task=loginfailure"> 
        <cflocation url="Main.cfm?UserID=#UserID#"> 

If the recordcount is not equal to 0 (successful login), it works 
beautifully, but if the recordcount is 0 (failed login), the 
<cflocation url="login.cfm?task=loginfailure"> code does not execute, it
simply returns a blank page (with the cf server info displayed). 

Anyone help me with this?  It seems very straightforward but has me stumped.

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