As Dave said, "spend some quality time with your server to figure out why on
earth you'd have to reboot it once a day." It's most likely not the OS
kernel that's causing problems but, some process running on top of that. If
it's hosting any sort of application, such as a home brewed CGI app written
in C, Cold Fusion, or some RDBMS, it may be that the problem stems from the
application. Process level debugging under NT isn't the easiest but, it's
definitely not impossible either. Once you've narrowed down the
possibilities you can just restart the process(es) that are at fault, not
the whole server. If it's an application that you can rewrite then that is
the best remedy.


-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Watts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2000 6:04 PM
Subject: RE: nt reboot

> I need some assistance with setting up a task to reboot our
> NT servers once each day. Our internal NT admin/Network Support
> stinks and if they do not know how to do something they say
> it can't be done.

Use the Task Scheduler and the SHUTDOWN.EXE command-line tool from the NT
Resource Kit. Write a batch file which calls SHUTDOWN.EXE, and schedule the
batch file with the Task Scheduler.

After you've done that, spend some quality time with your server to figure
out why on earth you'd have to reboot it once a day. You shouldn't have to
do this, and is an indicator of a potentially serious problem.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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