At the risk of sounding like I'm trolling, I really am starting to think 
Navigator sucks.  As far as development goes, IE has always treated me 

Here's my question:  I use transparent spacer GIF's to assist in 
positioning stuff on my page.  They work fine in IE, but in Netscrape it 
insists on putting this stupid 3D bevel around them for some bizarre 
reason.  I've tried setting border="0" in the img tag but this has no 
effect.  Anyone else run into this problem?

Here's the code where I'm trying to make this work:
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
        <td height="#attributes.height#"></td>

... that was the way it worked fine in IE.. but NS ignored it as it 
wanted something inside the <TD> tags.  ($#*@!) I could use &nbsp; but 
this will make the <TD> as high as the base font size of the page.. no 
good.  So, I tried using the image spacer as such:

<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
    <td height="#attributes.height#"><img src="images/spacer.gif" 
width="1" height="#attributes.height#" border="0"></td>

I wish I could give a URL where this stuff is at, but alas I'm inside a 

TIA for any assistance!

(By the way -- are any other CF developers out there frustrated with the 
suck factor of Netscape?  I know IE has its problems, but as far as 
developing for it, it is my opinion that it is superior. (I guess I just 
damned my soul saying that <g>))
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