Steve - I believe your wrong on this issue asn only ONE application server
mapping can be made to a file extension - you CAN NOT make a mapping that
follows a path...

When you set up CF or ASP you create amapping on the webserver that points
to a .dll so the resolution process looks like this:

An HTTP call to the web server.
the webserver 'sees' the file extension .cfm.
the webserver knows to pass that page request to the cf .dll 
The CF handles the request and feeds back the page to the web server to give
back to the requesting browser.

There is no was to have CF give back the page to the web server and then
have the web server hand the page to the ASP engine to parse. before it goes
back to the browser..

You can emulate this process by making an http call (Via CFHTTP) to an asp
this way you have cf doing all the cfprocessing - it makes a seperate http
call to the web server for the results of an ASP page. then returns the HTML
to the web browser.

But this is a psuedo solution - it gives the apperance of two application
server pages being resolved on one template. But in relaity, remember the
return for the HTTP call is plain text after the ASP engine did it's work.
This works for the most part.

Hope this helped clear up some of the contridiction is answers...


-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Reich [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, April 03, 2000 10:15 AM
Subject: RE: Combining Cf and ASP in the same Template

Yes it is possible. You can set CF to parse any file extension you want. If
you set it to look for CF code in an ASP page, then the ASP code will get
processed and then sent to CF server to parse the CF code. This can easily
be done and seems to work fine. I'm not sure what the performance drain is.


-----Original Message-----
From: David Gassner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, April 03, 2000 10:35 AM
Subject: RE: Combining Cf and ASP in the same Template

No, since the page is sent either to the ASP engine or to CF depending on
the file extension, they can't be combined.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Eric Sheetz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, April 03, 2000 6:42 AM
> Subject: Combining Cf and ASP in the same Template
> Is it possible to combine Cf and ASP in the same template?  If so, are
> there any "gotchas" I need to be aware of?
> Thanks,
> Eric
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