>How well does CF run with mySQL?

>Is it better to go with SQL7 or Oracle 8i?

I use mySQL and SQL Server 7 with Cold Fusion 4 on NT and they both run
fine.  The thing you need to be aware about mySQL is that it does not
enforce Foreign Keys.  This means you cannot have the database itself
enforce data integrity.  For example, you might have a person table and a
phone table like so:

Person Table

Phone Table
PhoneTypeID ( work, home, day, night, mobile )

In SQL Server, Oracle and other relational databases, you can have it setup
so that you cannot insert a PersonID into the Phone table unless it exists
in the Person Table.  In mySQL, there is no way to enforce this except by
first checking the Person table with your application, then inserting into
the Phone table.

mySQL also does not have stored procedures.

But mySQL is very, very *fast* because it is missing these features.  It was
made this way on purpose.  There are some surprisingly large sites that use
mySQL, none of which I can remember at the moment.  I know several start ups
that are using mySQL and are very happy.  Eventually they'll make the move
to SQL Server or Oracle, but for now mySQL does the job well.


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