Basically that is correct, you could do it with vars stored in a db, but you
would still have to add some sort of id to the URL.

We started to put #session.URLToken# to the end of all URL's this variable
adds cfid=9394&cftoken=85904830 to the URL.

I just thought of this.  If you have session variables that are initialized
with each session in say an Application.cfm file and users have cookies
turned off then you are initializing session vars for every page hit for
that user, and the old ones have to wait to timeout.  So in actuality you
will be saving all so precious server resources by passing the id and token
to every page, which should in turn win you the admiration of your peers and
a huge raise because those processor and memory upgrade dollars could be
used elsewhere. :)

-----Original Message-----
From: Eric Dawson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2000 11:38 PM
Subject: Re: Am I Missing Something?

as far as I know the only way to pass a session from page to page is either
through a cookie or a url variable. If cookies are turned off you need to
manually code the CFID and CFTOKEN variables to the URL to ensure you pass
them from page to page.

Please correct me if I am wrong.


From: Kelly Matthews <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Am I Missing Something?
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2000 21:26:31 -0400

Ok I am somewhat new to CF but something doesn't seem to be right.
I have a section of our site that is secure, for members only. I
have written the app to write a cookie so they don't have to login in the
future. That part works fine.

Now I just wanted to see what happened if someone had cookies turned off,
and of course even you can log in but the minute you try to go to a 2nd page
it loops back to the log in.

Now before I implemented the cookies I did have session management on set to
about 30 minutes, which is still on, so people wouldnt have to relog in,
that worked fine. But with cookies off session management stops working too.
Does session management work only with cookies?

I tried something else, turned client management on, and used a database for
clientstorage, instead of the registry or cookies, just to test it out, but
that didn't keep them logged in either. I must be missing something but isnt
there a way to open and maintain a session without cookies? I changed
setclientcookies to "no" but as long as my browser cookies are off I still
can't get in.

Point is they get logged in and get to the first page after the login page
but if they try to go anywhere else they get kicked back to the login page,
which from the app.cfm below leads me to beleive its
not setting Session.Loggedin, and the only difference is that I turned my
browser cookies off.  Guess I just want to find out if Session.Loggedin HAS
to be set in a cookie or somewhere can i define it to be set a different
way. The client variables were however writing to the datasource with no

Any help would be appreciated.
Below is my Application.cfm
I have tried all 3 client storage methods.
and with setclientcookies on and off.

<cfapplication name="Members"

<CFIF  NOT IsDefined("Session.LoggedIn")>
         <CFLOCATION URL="login/login.cfm">
<CFELSEIF Session.loggedin IS "0">
         <CFLOCATION URL="login/login.cfm">

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