That is not the case.  In version 3 it has an option to not touch the code
for certain file extensions.  The only time it changes the code is when you
make a change.  I have never seen a page "wrecked".  If it was as bad as you
say, why would so many professionals use it?  I'm sure human generated code
gets "wrecked" more often then any other form.  Even by the most competent
designers.  It might be easier to correct since you can just backspace over
your error, but errors are still made.  IMHO using Homesite/CF Studio is not
a text editor either.  The only true text editors are vi/notepad.  CF Studio
is a tool that is just like Dreamweaver.  It helps you with syntax, let's
you know if you've used an invalid tag, etc.  So creating a site in CF
Studio is not the same as creating it in notepad.  Some people do not have
all day to generate a simple page by using notepad as their editor, some do.
Dreamweaver has proven to be one of the best tools for creating sites, and
will continue to be the best for a long time to come.

Chris Mack

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, April 14, 2000 10:17 AM
Subject: RE: Text Editors vs Site Editors Version 2

Yes DreamWrecker is still the best WYSIWYG out there.... but it destroys
code no matter how you set it up.  I've spend MANY, MANY days rewriting
DreamWrecker generated code.  Nothing can replace human generated code by a
competent developer.

Mike Fleming
CF Codeslinger

"I spent my whole life not knowing what I want out of it, just chasing my
tail. Now for the first time I know exactly what I want and who... that's
the damnable misery of it." Tombstone

-----Original Message-----
From: Calvin Ward [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, April 14, 2000 9:57 AM
Subject: Re: Text Editors vs Site Editors Version 2

What I've found interesting about this discussion, is that I consider
ColdFusion Studio to be a specialized text editor.

Yes it does have wizards and buttons to make things 'easier' for those that
are still in the learning stage, but it inserts CODE. that you then have to
be able to understand and alter.

The bonuses of CF Studio is a) the color coding and b) the handy reference
of CF/HTML help files built in. (Not to mention the RDS debugging, etc).

The drawback as has been rightly pointed out is the inherent instability
these type of environments seem to have :(

Oh and btw, Dreamweaver is very nice, and IF you set things right in the
preferences, doesn't mangle existing code!

I despise FrontPage and have for years, but Dreamweaver is the tops in
WYSIWYG choices.

Please direct all responses to the newsgroup so that all may benefit from my
lack of wisdom!

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