Here is the thread that helped me
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark Zukiwsky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Sean Renet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, March 04, 2000 11:11 PM
Subject: Re: Flash w/ CF

> >Mark I went to flasher and I do not see an archive for the list. could
> >forward me your post.  I am trying to figure out how to use flash to
> >retrieve variables from CF also.
> Hi Sean,
> Here's my post to the Flasher list from last week. They were asking
> the same thing you were.
> Just a note about the use of lists - this code was originally for use
> in Director Shockwave. I used lists so I could suppress white space
> and extraneous tab characters that were ending up in my variables,
> and for passing cf lists directly to Lingo Lists.
> Contact me if you have any questions.
> Mark Zukiwsky
> Edmonton, Canada
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2000 14:24:00 -0700
> To: Flash List
> From: Mark Zukiwsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: FLASH: Can anyone help me with flash and Cold Fusion?
> Bcc:
> X-Attachments:
> Hi Sarah,
> Here's an example of a ColdFusion template that I'm using to get data
> into Flash. I'm using the POST function in Flash to fetch my
> variables. My Flash Post action is something like:
>    Set Variable: "baseURL" = ""
>    Set Variable: "CFtemplate" = "getMenuData.cfm"
>    Set Variable: "SiteID" = 1
>    Set Variable: "eof" = 0
>    Set Variable: "index" = 1
>    Load Variables (baseURL & CFtemplate, 0, vars=POST)
>    Go to and Play ("Check")
> That calls the following ColdFusion template:
> ------------------------------------------------
> <cfsetting showdebugoutput="no">
> <cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="yes">
> <cfcontent type="text/plain">
> <!--- get training menu data, be sure to pass FORM.siteID --->
> <cfquery name="flashtext" datasource="MyDatabase" dbtype="OLEDB">
> SELECT busUnit, unitName, novaUnit, activeUnit
> WHERE SiteID = #Trim(FORM.SiteID)#
> ORDER BY novaUnit, unitName
> </cfquery>
> <!--- Convert query results into list --->
> <cfset unitList = valueList(flashtext.busUnit)>
> <cfset nameList = valueList(flashtext.unitName)>
> <cfset novaList = valueList(flashtext.novaUnit)>
> <cfset activeList = valueList(flashtext.activeUnit)>
> <cfset unitReturn = "">
> <cfset nameReturn = "">
> <cfset novaReturn = "">
> <cfset activeReturn = "">
> <cfloop index = "unitIndex" from = "1" To = "#ListLen(unitList)#">
>    <cfset tempUnit = ListGetAt(unitList, unitIndex)>
>    <cfset unitX = "unit" & unitIndex>
>    <cfset tempName = ListGetAt(nameList, unitIndex)>
>    <cfset unitNameX = "unitName" & unitIndex>
>    <cfset tempNova = ListGetAt(novaList, unitIndex)>
>    <cfset companyX = "company" & unitIndex>
>    <cfset tempActive = ListGetAt(activeList, unitIndex)>
>    <cfset activeX = "active" & unitIndex>
>    <cfoutput>&#unitX#=#tempUnit#</cfoutput>
>    <cfoutput>&#unitNameX#=#URLEncodedFormat(tempName)#</cfoutput>
>    <cfoutput>&#companyX#=#tempNova#</cfoutput>
>    <cfoutput>&#activeX#=#tempActive#</cfoutput>
>    <cfoutput>#chr(13)#</cfoutput>
> </cfloop>
> <cfoutput>&unitCount=#flashtext.recordCount##chr(13)#</cfoutput>
> <cfoutput>&eof=1</cfoutput>
> ------------------------------------------------
> The above template would return output like:
> ------------------------------------------------
> &unit3=3&unitName3=HATSCAN&company3=False&active3=True
> &unit4=4&unitName4=Modern%20Plant%20Services&company4=False&active4=True
> &unit5=10&unitName5=multimedia%20works&company5=False&active5=False
> &unit6=12&unitName6=O%27Reilly%20Insulators%20Inc%2E&company6=False&ac
> tive6=True
> &unit7=2&unitName7=Quinn%20Contracting&company7=False&active7=True
> &unitCount=7
> &eof=1
> Then in Flash I'd check whether the variables have been loaded by
> checking the value that the value of eof = 1:
>    If (eof = 1)
>        Go to and Play ("Done")
>    Else
>        Go to and Play ("Check")
>    End If
> After the variables have been loaded, I use this action to convert
> the results to variables:
>    Loop While (index <= unitCount)
>        Set Variable: "tempUnitID" & index = Eval("unit" & index)
>        Set Variable: "tempUnit" & index = Eval("unitName" & index)
>        Set Variable: "tempCompany" & index = Eval("Company" & index)
>        Set Variable: "tempActive" & index = Eval("active" & index)
>        Set Variable: "index" = index + 1
>    End Loop
>    Go to and Play ("Display")
> Now, depending on what you're doing in your display, the results
> should display something like:
> This example posts a random siteID to the ColdFusion template. To see
> the data that is used to build this menu try:
> or
> I hope this helps.
> Mark Zukiwsky
> Edmonton, Canada

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