The first problem I encountered after ugrading was this error:
Error Diagnostic Information
Cannot convert 9999999999 to integer.
Please, check the ColdFusion manual for the allowed conversions between data
The error occurred while processing an element with a general identifier of
(CFQUERY), occupying document position (68:3) to (72:35) in the template
file C:\CFUSION\CustomTags\QUERY_Repeater.cfm.

When using query_repeater.  This error never happened with 4.01.

Now, I'm getting the following error with the code below:


ODBC Error Code = S1000 (General error)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Operation must use an updateable
SQL = "INSERT INTO Inventory (SL, SLN, compound, manufacturer, activity,
product, NSN, ContainerSize, quantity, ro, rop) VALUES ('FL-1', 'abc',
'256', 'abc', '05A05', 'abc', 'abc', 'abc', 'a', 'abc', 'abc')"


<cfloop index="i" FROM="1" TO= "10" >
  <cfset Thissl = Evaluate("" & i)>
  <cfset Thiscompound = Evaluate("Form.compound" & i)>
  <cfset Thisactivity = Evaluate("Form.activity" & i)>
  <cfset ThisManufacturer = Evaluate("Form.Manufacturer" & i)>
  <cfset ThisProduct = Evaluate("Form.Product" & i)>
  <cfset ThisNSN = Evaluate("Form.NSN" & i)>
  <cfset ThisContainerSize = Evaluate("Form.ContainerSize" & i)>
  <cfset ThisQuantity = Evaluate("Form.Quantity" & i)>
  <cfset ThisRO = Evaluate("Form.RO" & i)>
  <cfset ThisROP = Evaluate("Form.ROP" & i)>
  <cfset ThisSLN = Evaluate("Form.SLN" & i)>

   <cfif (Evaluate("Form.Product"&i) NEQ "")>
   <cfquery name="addrow" datasource="facilities">
    INSERT INTO Inventory (SL, SLN, compound, manufacturer, activity,
product, NSN, ContainerSize, quantity, ro, rop)
     VALUES ('#thissl#', '#thissln#', '#thiscompound#',
'#ThisManufacturer#', '#thisactivity#', '#thisproduct#', '#thisNSN#',
'#thiscontainersize#', '#thisquantity#', '#thisro#', '#thisrop#')

Can someone help?  I'm in the process of upgrading to 4.5.1 right now - I'm
hovering at 89% complete but I'm tired and cranky and need this to work
tomorrow.  Will the upgrade fix this?  Anyone?


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