First of all I would like to appreciate all the help.
You all have been great.
The problem I am facing right now is as follows:
The index.cfm file looks like this:
<cfparam name="fuseaction" default="ProcessForm">
<cfparam name="form.state" default="00">
<cfswitch expression="#fuseaction#">
<cfcase value="ProcessForm">
<cfif form.state = "00">
<cfinclude template="Mainform.cfm">
<cfelseif form.state="04">
<cfinclude template="WAform.cfm">
The Mainform.cfm looks like this:
Please select a state:
<form action="Index.cfm?fuseaction="ProcessForm">
<SELECT NAME="state">
<option value="04">WA
<option value="42">VA
<option value="09">NY
<option value="01">MO
My question is that instead of saying
<cfelseif form.state="04">
<cfinclude template="WAform.cfm">
Can I say something like:
<cfelseif form.state="04">
<cflocation url="index.cfm?fuseaction="WAform">
and add a case statement in the index.cfm as:
<cfcase value="WAform">
<cfinclude template="WAform.cfm">
I am unable to do that because of authorization
failure. I would like to know how to call index.cfm
in this case.
Thanks All
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