I have a form. This form is called by index.cfm.

When someone submits this form, it goes back to

Now, index.cfm calls(includes) another file called
ValidateForm.cfm. How do I go back to index.cfm from
this file. The user does not see this file and does
not know that this file exists. Therefore, the user
cannot submit anything from this file.

Do i have to create a form and supply values as
"hidden" and then have javascript submit the form
automatically to index.cfm?

I have tried doing that but it did not work.

The way I have Validate.cfm file is as follows:


<script language="javascript">
        function Validate(){

<cfset formValid = true>

<cfform action="Index.cfm" name="frm_validate"
        <input type="hidden" name="fuseaction"

<cfif form.Name="">
    <cfset formValid=false>
    <font color=red>
       <b>Please type in the name</b>



All the code is doing is validating the form input.
How do i make sure that all the false fields are
returned with a message in red etc.?

Thanks All

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